All posts by hannahviolin

I am a violinist. I also enjoy running, working out, reading, and hanging with my friends and cat.


I love that there is now a word for sitting around with slippers and a warm blanket and reading a book. Of course it must be a Scandinavian term to be truly trendy, but it’s always been a great way to make it through the winters. I am as guilty as the next for complaining about dark afternoons and frigid temperatures (and snow, why is it snowing again, though it doesn’t look like it’ll be too bad), and there is something about spring and rebirth and such that is lovely, but winter is, at heart, a lovely time. And what’s wrong with spending more time indoors?

I’ve been feeling pretty stressed out about this week but trying to manage it. It’s mostly because of this viola gig tomorrow, isn’t that silly? I did get (most) of my students figured out, and then Monday’s schedule, and yesterday’s, was even lighter than anticipated due to a couple of sick students. Today is not bad, but after teaching we have a band rehearsal, which (okay, maybe I’m contradicting my attitude in paragraph 1 but) means it’ll be cold and dark and I have to go out in it. (I say winter is best INSIDE wearing cozy clothing). We also have a quartet concert this weekend, and while I’m not particularly stressed about it, it is another THING to do. And I have to copy programs and talk about one of the pieces beforehand. Sigh.

Really it’s all fine though, this is how stuff is, for everybody. Little stressful events and life chugs along. The snow falls and covers the sidewalks.

I was reading online a bit about the Midwest and how people on the coasts don’t understand its beauty. Firstly, we must decide whether Missouri is part of the Midwest. I would agree that it is. I think no matter where I go, I appreciate the beauty of the landscape. This wasn’t true as a child, but you know how things are: you grow up and start to appreciate more of the things around you! (I remember being bored of seeing the Grand Canyon as a kid). I do think it’s possible to admire the quiet beauty of the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve in Kansas or enjoy a quiet hike in Babler State Park, but also appreciate the Rocky Mountains and the Golden Gate Bridge. Many people seem to think only travel is only worth doing if you go to Europe or Asia, but I think no matter where you go you can appreciate the beauty of the land, and you can learn something new. I’ve been stuck (by choice, as obviously I have the privilege to be able to go away when I like) in St Louis since getting back from our trip in August, and to some of you that may not seem long, but I’m feeling a bit stuck and wanting to see new places. Some of that just means I need to seek out places here, and we do that when we can (one thing I do is work entirely too much when I’m here, so that does cut down on local sightseeing) but going away is such a lovely thing, isn’t it?

I realize this is a random blog post. I had a sort of resolution to blog more often and to be more detailed in my blogging. Why do I continue to blog even when this is supposedly a dying activity? It’s my public journal, and I enjoy it. But I also want to feel it is worthwhile! I don’t want to just be yelling into the abyss (I’m not generally yelling, but you know…) about myself. The world is a terrible and uncertain place, but this is still fun.


This is my Jam

Ah, Sunday night. We want to just relax before the busy week ahead but instead it always gets a little depressing. I never know quite whether I’m looking forward to my work because yay I’m a musician and I’m doing what I love, or really just dreading it all and I should throw in the towel and total change careers…bird inspector, perhaps?

But after a fun weekend interspersed with a lot of work, I’m not quite ready to move on and make tomorrow Monday yet.

(Just to let you know, I decided I used to be funnier here on the blog because I wrote more from the heart and didn’t worry about sounding stupid. So I’m trying to be more detailed in this blog entry. Enjoy!)


Friday night was opening night of Donizetti’s La Fille du Regiment with Winter Opera. I’m the concertmaster for the group (over ten years, can you believe how time flies by?) and after a long week with several long rehearsals, it was great to finally open the show. With Winter Opera though, we only do two shows (maybe someday it’ll be more?) so really, we open, and then we close the show. We closed this afternoon.

Saturday I had a day off, and I had big plans. Somehow I had gotten into my head that I wanted to learn to can jam. I think this started because I had leftover cranberries in my freezer, and I’d bought some cranberry jam to eat for Christmas, and loved it. Anyway, one thing led to another, and I started researching how to make jam, bought a few things (jars, lids, jar lifter, funnel) and boom! Saturday I made jam. I used this recipe for cranberry orange jam and it turned out great! I have four half pint jars on the shelves now, and I don’t know if we’ll just eat them or what. The other thing I did was use my bread maker to make an awesome loaf of white bread…which is great with jam. I’d been looking at the breadmaker for awhile, telling myself I should either use it or get rid of it, and on Tuesday I tried to use it. Well, I did use it, except I realized after I started putting the recipe together that I had the wrong kind of yeast. The bread turned out…okay…but not great. (I did some improvising to try to make it work.) In any case, yesterday I followed the recipe exactly and it turned out great, except maybe too big! It rose so high it got squished down on top!


So then I got carried ahead (I am prone to do this) and have plans to make another jam soon (it’s apple based) and then ended up finally biting the bullet on an idea I’d been kicking around for awhile: I joined a CSA. We will do every other week pick-ups (I’m trying Local Farmer Crop Boxes, and I know it’s winter and not the best time of year, but it will only get better, and I figure they wouldn’t offer the box if they didn’t have stuff to give you, and the website shows some foods I want to eat—potatoes and mushrooms and other stuff) and I think it’ll push me to try new veggies and such. I also want to do a few more canning things over the summer, some pickles, maybe salsa, maybe who knows, and we never seem to make it to farmer’s markets due to our schedules, so a CSA is like buying a ticket—I HAVE to pick up the box (and I picked a time that will work) or else I’ve wasted my money. 

In any case, canning doesn’t seem so hard after all! I have memories of being a kid and using this big metal thing with holes on the sides and a giant wooden stick to smoosh the tomatoes down, and we made homemade tomato sauce and pickles. Mom, do you remember those? Did we can using a water bath? (I guess I can ask you over the phone, but maybe you’re reading this first.) Suzanne, Louie’s partner before me, also canned, and I feel only a little bit weird doing it because of that (I’m not sure I’ve ever said this on the blog, but she died of cancer before I met Louie, but I’m sure she was a really cool person, especially since I’ve met her mom and sisters.) I also think I’ve probably given away a few mason jars over the years in my decluttering, but here we are…you can’t NOT give things away because you might use them 5 years later, unless you absolutely know you will! They aren’t so expensive in any case, but this is a thing, isn’t it, you think, oh why did I give that away 5 years ago, I wish I still had it. But then you would have had it taking up space, collecting dust, for 5 years, and who knows if you ever really even had the right thing. I guess the real solution is to never buy anything either?


In any case…I felt really accomplished with those little jars. Very instagram worthy, really, but the truth is also: the jam is delicious! Or at least the small amount I tried (I had to taste it, of course, plus a little didn’t fit into the jars) was. I know you’re seeing me do a lot of random stuff here: I am still cross-stitching, of course, but not so much this week because I’ve been busy with the opera (well, and making my jam) and also because my right pinky was hurting and I think maybe too much stitching was exacerbating the problem. I am working on finishing a project for Louie for Valentine’s Day and that’s why I haven’t shared any pictures: it’s a surprise for him. And besides, I have time for many hobbies Winking smile


Okay, so after all the canning success (I wasn’t sure it was a success until today when I checked the seals and YES they definitely all sealed) Louie and I met some friends at Little Fox for a great dinner because going to Jazz at the Bistro for a show with Delvon Lamarr’s Organ Trio.  The food was great: grilled trout, chicory salad, wild mushrooms, Straccitella, and for dessert, a piece of Olive Oil Cake. The show was also great—the trio had organ, guitar, and drums, and we stayed for both sets. We have a “pick your own” subscription from Jazz at the Bistro, and together with the other couple, we have to choose at least 4 shows per season—you get a valet parking pass (for free!) and 10 percent off ticket prices with the subscription. This season we chose 6 shows, I believe. We go to the 7:30 on Saturday show, but then if tickets are available for the 9:30 show you can see it for no additional cost, so we usually do.


It was a late night, only because I had an early wake up this morning for a church service. I was playing at Ladue Chapel, and I love the music director there, so it was fun. It was a tiring morning though, with a short rehearsal and two church services, and then I had to play the opera, so as you can imagine, I’m pretty tired right now.


This week is a little stressful, only because I agreed to play a viola job on Thursday morning. I am not as comfortable (this is an obvious understatement) playing the viola, so I’ve been practicing the part a bit. I also had to reschedule a few students—I might not ordinarily have agreed to do a gig at this time, but a colleague needed help, plus this was one I really did want to play. I’m waiting to hear from a few students, which means I don’t exactly know what my week is like, and you know that makes me feel a little more stressed out. I will likely get it all sorted and scheduled by the end of the day tomorrow.

Anyway, after I finish this blog post and Louie stops working, we are going to continue watching The Man in the High Castle. Tomorrow is Monday, as I’ve mentioned, but this semester Monday’s aren’t as busy. I teach at Lindenwood University on Mondays, and in the fall I was there from 9:15 to 4:30 or so…and this semester it’s only noon to 4:30, which means I have the morning to exercise and practice. (I have more students at Washington University, so money wise it’s totally fine.). After that, I drive home and teach private students until 8:30. That’s my Monday…very glamorous! I am playing viola with my ensemble at LU this semester, I believe—I’d hoped to have a viola player but things didn’t work out, but I really want to have the string quarter anyway, so I will join them. It’ll be a lot of fun! (I enjoy viola playing, but don’t feel confident sight-reading, and worry about being in tune up in higher positions. I know you want to make a viola joke there, but I’m baring my soul here, people.)

Any canning hints/advice? How do you think I got the cat in the box on top of the fridge?

Snowy Days

We have had a fair amount of snowy days. We are all getting more used to it, and just deal. It’s been colder too, which is I suppose correct for January, but after such a warm Christmas, I don’t like it!

I’m used to being busier again. It’s funny, isn’t it, how you can be on a vacation, and think, oh, this is so nice, why do I work so hard? and then you are like, oh no big deal, I only have 6 hours of teaching students plus an opera performance, it’s totally fine because that allows me a 15 minute lunch break and another hour break in the afternoon in order to change, pack dinner, and maybe even answer some emails!

I am aware that not everybody can maintain my schedule. I barely do, on occasions. There was a point where I wasn’t so busy, but it was never when I was freelancing and teaching enough to happily live on. It’s not for the faint of heart or for those that don’t derive great happiness from working long hours. I think it’s important that we all admit that: this isn’t a job you can make an easy living at. And when I’m not working paid hours, there’s still plenty to do, and there’s always practicing to be had, and since my sort of year long break from practicing is over, I’m back at it!

My students will ask me how much I practice, and I find that hard to answer. On a good day, an hour! I do play practically all day, lots of slow scales, shifting, long bows, all the technique stuff they have to learn. But really practicing and learning music…not so much. I wonder if this is normal or if others manage to do better? Symphony players claim they need their easier schedules so they can practice their music, do they spend that time doing so? Practicing is always one of those things that nobody feels they do enough of, and it really is the “magic bullet” that makes the different between “talented” and “not talented.”

I’m mostly just rambling on a Friday morning. You guys! I was looking back through my old posts of my trip to Paris way back when, and I used to be so much funnier. It’s really unfortunate that I’m not anymore. I suppose that comes with getting older and getting divorced and being tired, but hmm…there’s a chance we are going to Paris this summer due to a work conference and I am super excited. I’m researching small house museums and what to wear on the plane so you are comfortable and not freezing, and what shoes to wear…shoes are always my city issue. I will wear a pair of shoes that I think is comfortable but then end up with terrible blisters. Or my feet will simply be numb by the end of the day. I need something that I can wiggle my toes in and feel like my feet can move and breathe, but that won’t rub them raw. And yet is perhaps a teensy bit stylish so the french people don’t laugh at me. (I.e. I’m not wearing hiking shoes). I have a few new ideas. Oh, and not Toms, because while I love wearing Toms and they fit the bill, I also need a shoe with a sole that won’t make me slip and fall on the marble steps (has happened twice in Europe before!).

We don’t want to spend the whole time in Paris. I’d also like to get out and spend a couple days in a smaller town or more country area, to get a sense of something else. Ideally somewhere we can just take the train to and get around by walking or taking public transportation. If any readers have any great ideas, let me know. I’m not certain this trip will happen, as it’s contingent on a few factors out of my control, but if it does, it’ll be in the summer, and will be at least 10 days in Paris.  (And I’m not opposed to spending it all in Paris, but figure that mixing it up a bit is a great idea too.)

As busy as today is (oh, and it is busy…any day you have to pack lunch and dinner is busy) tomorrow is a day off from work. We have a jazz show at night (so many these first months of the year) and dinner plans with friends, and I am planning a few projects at home, and working out, and it should be a lovely day. Sunday evening is free as well, which hasn’t happened in a few weeks, so I’m really looking forward to a nice weekend.

I’d better wrap this up so I can get to teaching. Have a great weekend, readers!

So Many Concerts, So Little Time

One of the things that Louie and I enjoy doing together is going to concerts, mostly classical or jazz (he’s introduced me to jazz, before that I was strictly a classical girl!). This month has been kind of crazy…I think because last fall was busy with shows for me, and then there was December which is mostly just Christmas, we have a lot of jazz and symphony concerts.

We subscribe to the Symphony here, which means we get 6 concerts a year chosen for us, but we can trade them for anything else (it’s very generous). For the jazz shows, we’ve been doing a pick-your-own series at Jazz at the Bistro, which means you have to choose at least 4 concerts, and this year we chose 6…two of which are this month and one next month. We also subscribe to the Great Artists Series at Washington University (highly recommend) and then try to attend other concerts there as well as I like to attend my friends’ concerts when I am able. All this to say, we’ve been attending two concerts a weekend all month and it shows no signs of slowing down!


Friday night we saw Jean-Ives Thibaudet play a concert at Wash U with members of the St Louis Symphony. Saturday afternoon I attended a show of Peter Pan, junior, that some of my students were in. Saturday night we saw Jean-Ives Thibaudet play with the St Louis Symphony. It was a busy weekend! Last weekend we saw the Bad Plus and next weekend is the Delvan Lamarr Organ Trio and Winter Opera.


But as much as staying in and watching tv can be appealing on a cold, rainy night (especially Friday night was like that…freezing rain!), I always enjoy the concert, and it is definitely adding to a more memorable life. We often get dinner with friends before the jazz shows and occasionally before other concerts too. I get tired sometimes, and don’t always want to go, and I’m a little worried we’ve over-committed ourselves with concerts over the next month (it does seem like everything good is happening this month and next) but I think we won’t regret it.

All that being said, I do regret overscheduling sometimes in advance of the things I’ve overscheduled, but we always enjoy cultural events. I would love to get to more museums and such as well, but it’s easier to make yourself go to a concert you have a ticket for, isn’t it? I think I’ll try to get to a few art museums this year though…it’s hard to do it all, but I’m so glad I live in a place with too many things that I want to do!

My own performances are ramping up as well. There is Winter Opera coming up, a Perseid Quartet concert, a Third Millenium World’s Fair benefit concert, and another chamber music concert at the Gatesworth (a retirement home), all in the next month. I feel like I sufficiently got over being a bit burned out with my week long staycation, and now I’m ready to make music (which means practice) again.

I’m also trying to read and work on my hobbies as much as I can…I have almost finished a few of the cross-stitch projects, and I have a bread-making project planned as well as a jam canning thing I’m planning…I ended up with too many cranberries and I thought that might be the thing to push me to try some small batch home canning. Wish me luck! It’s all really too much, but I love having a bunch of things going, and I think I’m really leaning in to some of the more traditional “at home” things to do. I should probably learn how to do more actual home improvement projects, but we’ve got to eat too.


We’ve got some potential travel this summer, so I’m also reading to learn and be inspired. Work-wise I’ve mostly only been doing the scheduling side of things, so I have some work ahead to prepare and cajole students for April’s festival, and I have a few things to do for my SLAMTA board position as well as a review or two to write for another volunteer position I’m on. I like being involved, except when I prefer just to sit on the couch.

All of this is sounding a little overwhelming to me right now Winking smile I never know if I come across as sounding a bit crazy on the blog for having too much going on, or if it’s all fairly small stuff. I feel like on a weekly basis I usually have plenty of downtime, but not always on a day-to-day basis. Some weeks are busier than others, and though busy is such a bad word these days, the truth is life is always a bit busy for me. “People” say you shouldn’t use busy as a badge of honor, and that being busy isn’t a good thing, but…as a freelancer, (I’ve said this before) busy pays the bills. Busy means a nicer vacation down the line. Busy means more money in the bank. And busy means I have a lot of interesting things in my life…I get more done when I have slightly less time, and I enjoy most of what I do, so it’s a win-win.

Maybe I’m trying to convince myself, and not you! In any case, I’d better wrap up this post. We are going to brave the bitter cold to go for a nice walk in Forest Park before I have to work again today. I am looking forward to the week ahead… my weeks this semester get busier towards the end, so Monday through Wednesday are much lighter and Thursday/Friday are jam packed with students. Every semester is different!

First Day of the Semester

And another semester begins! This semester my Monday starts later than usual, so I should have been doing all manner of wonderful and productive thing this morning…instead I spent a bit of time researching this and that on the internet and then I thought, oh, let’s type up a quick blog post to share with my “readers” before heading out to work. I did pack a lunch though, and dry my hair!

I teach at two different colleges and each semester I have a different number of students. Sometimes it is more students here, other times more students there. This time I’m only out at my Monday school for about 4 hours, but I have 7 hours at the other place (over two days). Last semester I was gone Monday for over 6 hours, but only had 5 at the other school. I have to just stop worrying and let each semester have its own character.

I’m excited that I managed to find a day for Louie and I to regularly have lunch again. Last semester I had a hour off that we could meet once a week (I teach near where he does for one school) and that was really fun. Even though workday lunches aren’t as relaxing as the end of the day dinners, it is still nice to meet up! We both have schedules that change each semester so we just have to take advantage of what we can do rather than worry about what comes next.


(my plan to use more candles in day-to-day life is working!)

Ugh, the “x” key on my computer is sticking. You’d think that wouldn’t be a big problem but the word next is evidently a word I use quite often!

This week isn’t too bad. I have a few new students, I start most of my college students, but otherwise it’s just teaching and practicing and such. I’m finishing up a few cross-stitch projects and reading a book in my free time, trying to exercise (another x!), and taking the car in for a checkup and visiting a dermatologist (nothing much, just being an adult). I’ve gotten a bit more into crafting the past few months and I find myself wanting to branch out more from cross-stitch and felting. I am also interested in making my own jam and considering learning how to do some light canning, but that might be a better summer project. Maybe this is a sign of aging, wanting to put my own mark on the world or something? Any canning advice? I had some delicious cranberry jam over Christmas and want to make my own with some leftover cranberries I have in the freezer. It seems a little scary but do-able.


(New random cat décor)

I am full of random thoughts! The beginning of the semester is always a good time for reflection, I suppose. I managed to stay fairly not overwhelmed last semester even with tons going on, so I’m hopeful about this one. Having a more relaxed start to my Monday will help!

We have some potential travel coming up this year. There are a few conferences Louie might be presenting at and I am hoping to join him (over the summer) and extend the trips. I had originally thought it might be a low-key year for traveling, but if these things happen, it won’t be!

I have been doing well with diet and exercise so far this year. I’m just trying to make good choices and be active as many days as I can. I am also trying to pursue more fun in my life and not work all the time, and have had some good activities with friends, worked on my hobbies (so many hobbies, ha!) and had time to read as well. I’m keeping up on the house, only a bit behind on practicing (I had a long rehearsal yesterday and my left index finger base joint has been hurting off and on so I’m taking the day off practicing despite really needing to work on a few pieces), and only have a few short things I need to do outside of teaching.

So that’s my random thoughts for a Monday morning! Are you prepared and ready to face the week ahead?



It isn’t so often that I have a long period of time off work yet at home. After my family left on the 29th, I was left alone for a whole week to myself! Louie is off visiting his family and I chose not to go as I would be going later due to my family visiting, and I had already accepted a couple gigs when we discussed it. I also thought it might be nice to have a little downtime at home.


Don’t get me wrong, I love traveling, and there have definitely been times this week that I regretted staying home. But there have been other times I’ve been so thankful that I’ve been able to take this time to myself!

I have been cleaning up a bit around the house, putting away decorations and such. I was able to finish all the leftovers and hardly waste any food at all (we had a lot of leftover baked potatoes, for instance, so I made potato salad and a spanish omelet type dish.) I ate pies for a week, but I’ve decided things are dire now and I need to have at least a week with no dessert, maybe even the rest of the month. I did toss out a few cookies this morning, and there are still some in the freezer, but I suspect those will still be pretty good closer to Valentine’s Day and maybe we can take some to work then. I have finished several small cross-stitch projects and done good work on another. I practiced (I have a couple of performances coming up). I worked out many times, and have planned a good regime for the next few weeks. I set up my courses online for one of my colleges, and am already trying to organize my schedule…this won’t actually be finished until closer to mid-month, but it never hurts to get started. I have read about 5 books and am part way through another. I bought some clearance Christmas decorations for next year, made some returns, and ordered a few more things that I needed and wanted for the house. I slept in and woke without an alarm clock most days. I got a facial, and I did a few things with friends.


So it’s been pretty good and relaxing. I’m looking forward to Louie’s return, and I’m looking forward to getting back to being a more productive member of society. I do enjoy spending a long time sitting and reading, but I feel like I’m probably too young still to make that my full-time dream. And I could use some money coming in rather than only spending money!


But this has been really nice, and I might have to schedule myself another staycation at the end of the semester or something.  If Louie were here, he would have wanted to go out more and do things, and I am much more able to be happy staying home all day with perhaps not even leaving the house. So it’s been extra relaxing for me! Don’t get me wrong, I do love doing things, going to concerts and parks and hiking and traveling. But so much of my life is scheduled and so many of the scheduled things are things that I really cannot be late for, that it has been extra relaxing having a few days to have literally nothing scheduled, and a few others days with very little scheduled. (I do have a wedding this afternoon, so this day isn’t one, but I have very little to do and the wedding will be with colleagues I love.)

Keep in mind that I usually work 6 to 7 days a week during the school year, so I don’t get weekends to recharge. This is my own fault, yes, I recognize that, but the only way out of it would be to stop being a musician and that is simply not an option.


A few random thoughts for the new year: I’m planning to use more candles. I loved celebrating Hanukkah for the candles, and watching the candlelight. I’ve decided we need more candlelit dinners and more candles in general (with supervision, obviously, because of the cat). I’m also really going to dig in and try to lose some weight. I’m tired of seeing pictures of myself…I let myself be too stressed and eat junk because of it. I am going to really make an effort to eat better and move more. I don’t want to become obsessed with it, because I don’t like that either, but I think a few simple tweaks will work, and it’s just a matter of really meaning it. I sometimes feel like people are judging me for being overweight, and while I don’t actually think that’s true, it still makes me feel uncomfortable, and I think the best thing to do (for me) would be to try to do something about it. I’m only saying this here to make it more real rather than pretending. I have been doing pretty well with exercise over the past year, but you can’t run away from eating too much junk! And while I don’t want to give up desserts forever or be too strict, I think a week or more of no sweets would reset things a bit, and trying to limit snacks to only fruit would be another great step. I think I sleep better too, the better I treat myself!

Perhaps you’ve noticed there are a fair amount of cat pictures in this post. Happy Caturday!
