Popping in Again

A more positive post: I have gotten so many things done today! I’m still a bit under the weather but I’ve made various appointments, made a marmalade and a pickled mushroom recipe (really, I don’t know why, except I’m obsessed), organized my music for a concert in late March, done laundry, dishes, and I think I’ll even have a bit of time in the afternoon to both relax AND practice a bit. I won’t let the world get me down!

I am looking forward to spring break. It’s tricky to even take a break, as none of my different schedules actually line up to have a break, so I’m taking a break with the college students and Louie, by extension, and we are going to hit the road to visit my friend April. I haven’t left town in some time and I think it’s wearing on me. We are also planning a fun day this Saturday and hoping the weather forecast holds: we have plans to hike and also have a fun dinner with friends. This weekend shockingly doesn’t have ANY performances to attend, and I think we will really enjoy not seeing a concert. I have enough rehearsals on Sunday and then next week to make up for it anyway.

I think I’m doing too much, overall, but I’m not entirely sure how to stop. I have a few students who are quitting/cutting back and my impulse right now is to not fill those spaces. The only sort of annoying thing is that I do have some awkward times open on Tuesdays, and I dislike having a 30 minute spot here and there, because it ends up being 20 minutes of me just doing absolutely nothing, because the students will stretch to fill the space and then I don’t have enough time or energy to do anything useful! So I guess I’d like to fill up about 1 hour worth of students earlier in the day on Tuesday and then not fill the later times and end up having some earlier evenings some days. I may not try to do anything right now and see how things shake out over the summer and fall.

So anyway, just rambling thoughts. This post probably needs more cat pictures but I don’t have any good ones right now and she’s hiding under the desk. Smile

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