Benefit Concert and other good stuff

Today I shall dedicate to good stuff happening in my life.


1) One of my high schoolers on Friday asked if I thought she was on track to go into music education with the goal of being a music therapist. She’s a junior, and I was excited to hear this. I hope I gave her a good answer, and I think I expressed that I thought she was on a good track though the more she practiced (more carefully) the better. She’s more of a fiddle player and we’ve been also working on theory and rhythm practice. I am excited about her future.

2) Today is my band’s benefit concert at 4 pm. We are playing a short set with another friend playing a short set to raise money for the Oregon Food Bank, in order to help people misplaced by the fires. Check it out, and even better, please donate if you can.

3) I had rehearsal yesterday (responsibly of course) for an upcoming recorded but “live” concert. It will air Sunday, October 11 at 4 pm CST and I recommend you watch. This is a concert that was supposed to happen in late March. It is nice playing with people again. Visit this link to see the information about the Couts Music Series, which I am thrilled and grateful my friend and colleague, Andy Peters, has  put together (with funding during these times.


4) I am so far quite enjoying my new early morning teaching job. I’ve sort of made two goals for the next few years and one is to improve my teaching and push myself out of my comfort zone in teaching, which I’m doing through this job and also starting an improvisation class.

My other goal is to be a more confident and creative musician, and playing with my band helps that (by creative I mean, not just playing the same old classical music and worrying about what some dot a composer wrote 200 years ago means) as well as a few other things on the docket. One is a potential opportunity I just found out about yesterday, and the other is a longer-term online course working with a teacher who has ten years experience teaching improvisation and Creative Ability Development to children in order to improve my own skills and my teaching skills.

I have realized I am a bit happier being out of the “rat race” of the freelance world….worrying about who was asking who to play what and how to stay on top of the list for this and that and worrying if you said no that they wouldn’t ask again. It’s exhausting and a bit soul crushing. I do enjoy playing violin, so much, and it’s great to get paid to do it, but I’m just tired of it. And it’s so nice to just finish teaching and then be done, or to have so much more time on the weekends. I enjoy being busy and doing a lot of interesting things, I don’t think I’ll ever be happy just sitting around all weekend or not feeling like I’m making a difference, but taking the ego out of it (freelancing and performing is SO MUCH about ego) is a happier way to be. I will never win the freelance game, because it’s sort of like the Game of Thrones, you don’t win, you just die. And then some weird person ends up on top after you’ve spend years and years practicing, being nice, showing up early, saying yes to things and missing out on so many other opportunities in life. I’m declaring myself officially out, and I will continue to play things if they seem interesting when I’m asked, but I’m not running around, I’m not saying yes for fear of not having another chance, and I’m not going to play things that make me feel bad.

5) We got delivery from Stone Soup Cottage with Louie’s family last night. It was delicious! It’s definitely expensive but delicious.


We have gone over to Louie’s family here in town for dinner a few times, and we eat out on the back porch at a socially distanced table. Otherwise we wear masks if we need to go in the house or move around. I don’t normally eat meat but occasionally make an exception.


I snapped a quick picture of the soup course. I had a small amount of red wine as it was the suggested pairing and it didn’t give me a headache at all today, which was good. I think I had about half a glass.


It was getting quite dark on the porch by the time we ate the pheasant, and then dessert was entirely too dark. It was all very tasty! I would recommend ordering from them for a special occasion. There were some things that needed to be heated up and some other things to be done, so it wasn’t a meal you can just unpack and eat, but it was fairly easy to do I believe, and the advantage is that everything is hot when you eat it as well, which is one of the problems with takeout. And did I mention it was absolutely delicious? They don’t do any dietary adjustments or substitutions to their menu, but if you are okay eating whatever is on offer (the menu is listed online so you’ll know) it is a wonderful meal.

6) I just made social plans with a friend for next weekend, just me and her! I haven’t hung out with anybody without Louie since before the pandemic. I love Louie and we are used to spending a lot of time together, but I do sometimes wish I had more of a social life without him, and I often feel we are too codependent. So yay! We also have dinner plans with another couple this weekend (at least tentative) and then I have a million other things to do work wise this week (all fun stuff, but there is practicing to be done.) All of this is good: it’s good to focus my energy on positive things rather than all the bad in the world.

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