Category Archives: Cat

Windows Live Writer

I’m testing out a new program to help me blog easier.  Yes, dear reader, now I can blog MORE and MORE!

Let’s see how this works—how about some pictures of my cat?


Aww…look at that cutie!


This is not my cat.  A friend found this photograph on the web.  I consider it to be the cutest photo in the world.  Occasionally my friend and I will email the photo to one another just to be overcome by conflicting emotions of cute and sad.

On a fun note:  I’ve recently been doing some internet research about running and gear and such, and came across a blog I really enjoy called SkinnyRunner.  I had commented on a recent post–there was a sign that said something about Run Fast Aunt Ham.  Well, I occasionally refer to my cat as “the Ham” or “Fat Ham” (because her tummy resembles a ham… 😉  ).  So I just had to comment!  And now I am internet famous (ha!) in that the blog author answered my question in a later post.  Okay, well I was tickled by it!  Really I’m just jealous because that author has many more readers than I do (and awesome legs, I want legs like hers but long like mine!)  Then again, she puts much more effort into it, so that is fine.

Stuff on my cat

This is my cat.  We call her “Fatty”.  Okay, so it’s not a terribly nice name, but it is an incredibly endearing nickname.  Her given name was “Oistrakh” and she was one of a pair (the other cat, since deceased, was “Heifetz”).  But the name “Oistrakh” proved to be too big for such a sweet kitty, so it never really stuck.

Here is my best attempt at putting “Stuff on my cat“.  As I’m a violinist, you can see my tuner and metronome are there!  My students tend to like my cat–she is usually very friendly and sweet to them, very affectionate, and she is SO soft and furry.  Occasionally she causes a distraction in the lessons, but I think I keep it under control enough…after all, young children need an occasional distraction, right?  The funniest thing about her is that she absolutely hates when I practice.  She doesn’t seem to mind most of my students’ playing, but she hates mine.  I assume it is because either a) she detests violin playing at a professional level or b)on average, when I play, it is much higher and louder than any of my students, and thus hurts her ears more.  In any case, I just wanted to share those pictures–the carpet in the one picture is on the floor in the room where I teach.

I stopped by Target today for a variety of things, and visited “the One Spot”.  For those who aren’t familiar with Target, the One Spot is an area near the front where everything is $1 and is usually just a bunch of cheap junk.  However, for a violin teacher (or perhaps any teacher?) there are often great finds–today I got a bunch of pencils (Toy Story, Hello Kitty, and just random colors) and some stickers.   I loved pencils and stickers as a child, and today’s children do too.

Tomorrow I have two weddings/receptions.  I am playing both with my good friend Ranya, and one with Chris as well, so I’m looking forward to them…as long as the weather holds up!  It looks potentially stormy, and definitely hot.  However, I have learned that an “LBD” is a wonderful item for summer outdoor weddings.  (That’s a “little black dress,” for those of you less inclined to abbreviate things.)  As long as I am out of direct sunlight, I should be fine.

Christmas Vacation

Now I am in the relaxing portion of Christmas vacation–I spent a week visiting my boyfriend’s family (and seeing my parents briefly as well!) and now I’m relaxing at home.  Ideally I would be resting up for a hectic spring, but it looks like things are pretty calm so far.  The one crazy week will be a week of Columbus Symphony AND ProMusica Chamber Orchestra at the same time!  Columbus is playing an all Shostakovich concert, including Shostakovich Symphony no. 10, which I have never played.  I know I will be exhausted (my schedule will include two triple service days and one quadruple day) but hopefully in a good way.

What is a service?  For orchestras, our week is divided into “services” which is either a rehearsal or a concert.  Usually these would be either 2 or 2 1/2 hours.  If you are paid by the week, there would be a limit of services per week, with the average being 8 services.  For part time orchestras, generally we are paid by the service, so…the more the merrier!  Except you do get really exhausted, both physically and mentally.

This is such an odd time of year, between Christmas and New Year’s.  On the one hand, there are several days where one should be working and getting things done, because, really, we can’t ALL take two weeks of vacation.  On the other hand, why can’t we all take two weeks of vacation??  I did teach a few students, but I decided generally I needed the time off.  There’s something so decadent about not having work for several days, and really feeling like you can settle into a fun project at home and not worry about what you are wearing!  Of course I’m currently just on the computer sitting next to my cat (who is curled up next to me sleeping), but the point is that I could be doing some fun project.  I do have some projects to work on, both musically, and just for fun.  More about those later, when I get to them!

Happy New Year to you all, dear readers!