Category Archives: Random thoughts

10 in 100 checkup

Happy Monday, dear readers.  I had a lot of fun over the weekend putting together my “7 links” post, and reading back through my blog entries over the past year and more.  I ran across some things I had completely forgotten about, and also enjoyed reading about past adventures and experiences.  I forgot how depressed I was in April as well, and how much fun our cruise last August was.

Another thing I realized was that I’d forgotten about my 10 in 100 list!  I thought I’d do a quick follow up to check my progress.  How am I doing so far?  (I have until October 4, just under two months)

1.  Go to Chicago and visit Karen.  So much fun!  Here, here, here,  and here.

2.  Have a 4th of July BBQ at my house.  Done!

3.  Go shopping with my sisters Leslie and Carrie.  Not yet…but we WILL.  Plans are in motion.

4.  Wedding cake tasting with Chris. We did this twice!  Here’s one.  We may still go to a few more bakeries…

5.  See the new Harry Potter movie. Yup!

6.  Visit the St Louis Zoo.  *crickets*

7.  Visit MOBOT, not while playing a wedding.  The extreme tree houses exhibit looks very interesting.  I wanted to go with my parents but we didn’t have enough time.

8.  Run a half-marathon, and PR.  Right now just running would be nice.  But I’ve got it.

9.  Attend another blogger meet up of sorts.  Did it!  Will Write for Wine.

10.  Go to another festival of sorts.  Lots of options, I’m sure.  My sisters are here during Festival of Nations at TG Park, which I’ve never been to but heard is great.  That’s on our itinerary.  (I have an actual itinerary I’m working.  Leslie and I are insane and actually do itineraries.)

Still got a few more left.  But I’m doing pretty good.  Is it better to set small, achievable goals or dream big and fail?  Obviously the big dreams won’t necessarily fail…but still.  They might.



Are you familiar with the Marshmallow Study?  I know as a child I would have NOT eaten that marshmallow and I would have held out for two.  Today I would stuff that marshmallow in my mouth because after all, who needs two marshmallows and besides, I can buy my own marshmallows at the store and quit wasting time sitting around waiting for free marshmallows.  What does that say about me?

What do you have planned for your week?  I’ve got teaching, some gigs, and some repertoire to learn for September.  My friend Laura is back in town so I’m doing some stuff with her, and Chris will be back soon.  Basically I’m back to “work” now even though I hope I will get some more students over the next month or I will certainly regret teaching five days a week!  I am excited about my teaching this year, and really feel like I’m doing what I want to be doing and what I am GOOD at.

I’m also hoping by the end of the week to feel injury free running again.  Fingers crossed!


7 links

I try to pretend I don’t care about the rest of the blog world (or blogosphere as many call it) but I am frankly pretty psyched that Clare nominated me to do the 7 links post that has been going around for a few weeks now.  Thanks Clare!

The Rules

1. Blogger is nominated to take part

2. Blogger published his/her 7 links on his/her blog

3. Blogger nominates up to 5 more bloggers to take part

4. These bloggers publish their 7 links and nominate another 5 bloggers

5. And so on and so forth!

I will allow myself more than one post per category—I think that’s okay.

Most Beautiful

My save the dates.  Serious love of stationery happening here.

Community.  I feel like I did a good job writing this one, and it makes me tear up a bit.

Most Popular

Orchestra auditions for non-musicians.  As much as I want this blog to be about ME, people in the music world loved this post.

My next most popular blog was the one about  my engagement.  A different sort of bling.

I was featured on Skinnyrunner’s Cat Lady blogs and had this post up: Cat Lady

Most Controversial

Well, the most popular post was also most controversial.

Wordy Wednesday had a few comments too regarding women’s rights and how women should act.

Most Helpful

I have written a variety of helpful posts, depending on what you are looking for.

Obviously (not to beat a dead horse) my post on orchestra auditions could be helpful if that’s what you are doing.

Patience is controlled frustration.

Thoughts on Personal Training

Post Whose Success Surprised You

I was a bit surprised by the scope of the success of the orchestra auditions post, but I knew people would like it.

Other than that…nothing really!

Post that didn’t receive enough success

I generally write assuming no one will read it, so the lack of success is absolutely no surprise.  Nonetheless, you should read the following:

If it isn’t posted on the internet, has it really happened?

Grand Adventure

Post You’re Most Proud Of

Lewis and Clark.  My first race!

Running is always a good idea.  I’m not a mantra person, but I felt great writing this post.

I was thinking the categories don’t really fit my blog, what about, “funniest post,” “most narcissistic post,” “post with the most cat pictures,” or “most inspirational?”  Maybe I should start my own 7 links post…

Let me tag some people then (don’t feel obligated, and sorry if you have already done it!):

The Uncreative Violinist


Being Sarah Marie

Tea and Chocolate

Run to Travel


Summer seems to be baby season.  My friend Jen just had a baby, and he is ADORABLE.

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Okay, well I don’t have any other baby examples at this time.  But the other thing I was going to mention is that people keep asking ME about babies.  Such as, when are we planning to have them, and (my favorite) how many. 

In the past month, at least three GOOD friends (not strangers, which is actually more common) have brought up that topic.  I suppose with my impending nuptials, people can no longer ask "when are you getting married?" so they have moved onto the next logical step.  Babies!  WHEEEEEE!

Let me answer the questions right here and right now.  Firstly, I have always wanted to have children someday.  I thought two or three would be really nice, since I enjoyed being one of three siblings.  (Looks around awkwardly…).  Yes…I am actually one of four siblings.  This is where the trouble comes in.  My youngest sister was born when I was 13.  She is a delightful human being, and I am extremely proud of all she has accomplished so far in her life and know she will go far and hopefully be able to support us all in our old age.  But I saw firsthand the incredible sacrifice and responsibility of raising a child, much more so than if I had been younger and perhaps less impressionable.  So now my answer is that maybe I will have one child.  Someday.  You know, when I grow up.  And can afford to hire more help.

I don’t know how people do it.  I heard on the Today Show yesterday that raising a child costs approximately a quarter of a million dollars.  I am not sure if that includes college, probably not.  Plus the time, the lost sleep, never again being able to truly let go and do something for yourself.  Then, people tell me I look 25…I’d completely lose my youth.  I’ve worked SO hard to get in shape.  I’d probably lose all that.  Yes, those are incredibly selfish reasons (sorry, Mom) and the fact remains that I might actually be a good parent and bring an exemplary child into the world, one who would be a true asset to society, perhaps even cure cancer.  But more likely they would be somewhat neurotic, lazy, and decide to become a musician.  And plenty of people bring children into the world that SHOULDN’T, and for them I believe having children is selfish because they are simply burdening society.  Selfish if you do, selfish if you don’t.

So that’s the answer.  Perhaps someday we will have a child.  And I know it isn’t so easy as that, that often when people decide to have a child they can’t.  Yet they still get asked those questions—when are you having children? 

It boils down to this.  Just as it was annoying to be constantly asked, "when are you and Chris getting married", I anticipate it will be equally annoying to be constantly asked when we are having children.   Obviously it takes us a long time to do anything, so we’ll probably get around to it in our 80’s.  Ultimately…it’s none of your business.


And don’t get me wrong.  I love children.  I teach them to play the violin every day.  Then I send them on their way!  *evil laughter* 

ImportantI started a facebook page for my blog, come "like" it if you haven’t already.  You’ll get all my blog posts right in your newsfeed (and if we are facebook friends, in a few days or weeks you won’t get them from me anymore).

Facebook Page

I made a facebook page for Hannahviolin (finally?).  Here’s the link, not sure if this works. Come "like" me so I feel like I have friends.

I am testing out a couple things here.  Most of what I do online is total trial and error, just so you know. 


(From last summer.  I think my arms are more muscly now!  Spellcheck doesn’t think muscly is a word, but we all know better.)

More updates on my friends Alicia and Andrew.  They are taking donations.

Urban Heat Island

So far the excessive heat warning is still set to expire at 7 pm this evening…keep your fingers crossed.  Yes, it will still be hot, but I suppose not excessively so?  Yesterday on my way to work (late afternoon) they were warning that temperatures were something like 103 with heat index of 115.  CRAZY.


Did you read that?  URBAN HEAT ISLAND EFFECT.  I feel like they are just making stuff up at this point.  Except it exists on Wikipedia so it must be true.


Either way I’m not running today because my leg is very sore on the side of the calf (I am not an anatomy expert so I can’t tell you the name of the muscle or whatnot) so I figure a day off is in order.  I haven’t taken a day off since I returned home from Chicago.  I probably should have taken Monday off rather than walking for 4 miles, but oh well.  *spoiler alert* You know the end of the HP 7.2 movie when Neville is limping around due to injuries?  I walk that way a lot, especially when I first get up or when I’ve been sitting for awhile, or after a long run or particularly tough workout.  Is that wrong? 

In addition to the ridiculous heat, it can make you angry (this is definitely true.)  Here’s an article about the heat wave in Oklahoma causing heat rage for people!  I think it must be like road rage but far sweatier.  I am so over the heat.  I am tired of the oppressive feeling you get walking outside, and I’m tired of feeling like I am going to throw up or pass out when I am trying to run outside. 

Here’s some other interesting stuff I’ve read recently (and likely posted to facebook):

Scientists Suggest Red Wine Helps Prevent Sunburn

"Pumpkin Pasties" from the Unofficial HP Cookbook (I love you, serious eats!)

How I feel about "adulthood"

And a few entries from the "blogosphere" that I starred in my reader:

Life Lessons

I was trying to remember not to run

How to handle praise

All right, dear readers.  That’s it for this morning.