Cross country solo bike trip, continued!

As you know, my dad (@jerrydfrey) is still on his cross country bike trip.  He left South Carolina in late August, was in St Louis and left on September 10. 


He’s now somewhere in Texas (rumor has it he had plans to mess with Texas, but hopefully that wasn’t true.) My mother posted some pictures to facebook (which is shocking enough as is!) but I thought I’d steal them and post them here for your enjoyment.  Can you guess where these are taken?  Because seriously, we have no idea.


It appears to be some sort of campsite.  And yes, that’s how he’s been sleeping.  He carries that tent with him along with a sleeping bag and some sort of sleeping mat.  Along with everything else.  Solo bike trip, folks. 


This might be him crossing the Mississippi…I think he mentioned crossing by ferry.  Then again, I could be wrong.


Odd looking building.  There’s definitely a bench though.  Don’t know if that helps.


Have you seen this man?!?


4 thoughts on “Cross country solo bike trip, continued!”

  1. Wow, I’m really super impressed. I think I told you, one day my goal is to do the Appalachian Trail thru-hike, but I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to do it all on my own. What a trip this must be for your dad! I love the pictures of mystery as well…

  2. The odd looking building above is on the bike path leading to the KATY trail. It is near Creve Coeur on west side of your fine city. You should go see it.

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