Friday FreyDay

Those are pronounced the same.

Today I only have 4 hours of teaching. I slept in a little bit, worked out, did the usual emailing and checking to make sure I’m up to date enough on things, and prepped some for my weekend activities. I have a little bit of time before I have to go teach a student, so I thought I’d pop in and say hello here!

I’ve been a little down lately—being so busy with work and feeling like I don’t have any time to spend with friends has been difficult. Sometimes I worry I’m working too hard and I’m missing out of some aspects of life that I’ll regret, but I don’t know. I saw a fellow musician on twitter asking others how to deal with work-life balance, and I didn’t weigh in, because the truth is, as I’ve said here lately, I’m choosing to work more rather than life. I’ve tried it the other way and that didn’t really make me happy either, so *shrugs* here we are!

It’s not than I’m unhappy either, it’s just the general blahs. I think the election and the news and all of that are my starting place of mild depression and then everything piles on. I’d love to just ignore what’s happening, but I can’t do that in good conscience, and I can’t do it as a woman. I can’t believe that 41.5 percent of people approve of what our government is doing. Making 5 year olds sign away their rights. Being okay with a reporter being killed. Being okay with women getting raped and assaulted on a daily basis. Being okay with hundreds of immigrant children, many who were here to seek asylum, being locked up in camps, where they are often molested and raped. You can argue that the previous administration also allowed these things to happen, but you would be putting up a false flag, and you would also be saying that you are okay with these things. I am not, regardless of who is committing these atrocities, to be clear. I would link to all of those things, with reputable articles from reputable sources, but google would work just fine for you, and I work 80 hour weeks because I’m worried about my health care, my retirement, and the future of our country.

I hate getting so political, but politics are life for so many. It’s political to be upset about children in cages! It’s political to be upset that women are assaulted and yet the word of the man means more than the word of dozens of women. It’s political to feel that my body should be my own. It’s political to think that my friends should be able to marry the person they love. It’s political to want our planet to have a future! (This, this climate change is something that I can’t even think of, because it seems like we have known for years and decades and nobody freaking cares!)

Enough ranting. It’s a lovely rainy fall day. I always write more when I’m annoyed. This weekend should be lovely, with two concerts to attend, one to play, a festival, a wedding, and festival event for my students. Monday I get the daytime off due to a fall break, and we might go to Shaw Nature Reserve, or something like that. If the rain isn’t too much more—I hate mud!

My cats are adorable, my niece is having a birthday soon (though I can’t attend the party, but I’ll see her in a few months), I have new purple shoes…life is mostly good. Isn’t it funny how I feel the need to convince you that I’m okay? I’M FINE EVERYTHING IS FINE.

I’m trying to decide where to take Louie for his birthday dinner. Any new amazing places with excellent pescatarian options in town?

How’s your day shaping up?

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