
I don’t want to jinx anything, but I think it’s going to happen.

I can’t wait until we have a president who isn’t constantly lying to us, and who is willing to admit that COVID is a real problem that we have to deal with.

The past few weeks have been pretty tough, every since the riots especially. I’ve just been working, getting up early to go teach violin to small classes at a school (in person).

I’ll sleep better tonight than in a long time, knowing that the people in charge will be doing their best for the American people again. They will fail at things. They will do things wrong and we will disagree, but I will know that at heart, they are doing their best. This isn’t actually too much to ask in our government, as we have had it for most of my life.

It’s a shame how little some people are willing to settle for. It’s a shame that some people think that lies, hate, and violence are the way forward. It’s a shame that some people choose white supremacy while, at the same time, insisting that racism isn’t a huge problem in this country.

It’s a tragedy that over 400,000 Americans have died of a disease due to one man’s ego taking over. The president couldn’t stand failure so he just pretended it didn’t exist. He chose to stoke division and hate rather than lead. Instead of our country taking the lead in the pandemic and possibly saving 100s of thousands of lives, we relinquished all leadership and left the pandemic management as a free-for-all. Those of us lucky enough to have lived so far have lost nearly a year of our lives trying to stay healthy. Some have chosen to live their lives however they feel, not caring who gets sick around them, and this has divided our country further.

I don’t envy the job President Biden will have ahead of him. I doubt he really wanted this job, but I think he’ll do it, and he’ll do his best. That’s a change from the previous occupant, who did his worst, intentionally.

I’m not happy yet, because the past ten months have taken my ability to feel true happiness away.

I did buy a bottle of sparkling wine to open tonight after work though. We will celebrate at home, just the two of us, as we have celebrated all the holidays in the past year.

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