It’s a mad, mad, (oatmeal) world

Okay, I know you’ve all been missing my oatmeal reports. (Original posts here and here.)  I’m going to be brutally honest, readers.  While I’ve been eating my oatmeal like a good little girl every morning, I haven’t been photographing it as much.  That should change, as now I’m going to be out of oatmeal pictures and I’ll need more (MORE, MOOOOOORE) for this occasional feature.  I am going to get back into the habit of photographing my oatmeal, for YOU.  That’s how much you all mean to me.  *wipes tear from eyes*

Since I got a new phone (it’s an iPhone, you’re welcome, now I’m cooler than most people), I’ve been using my pink camera less, and I hadn’t actually uploaded pictures from it in a couple weeks.  I’d forgotten how many photos I had on it!  (And I need to use it more, because it’s better than my phone camera, I do believe.)


For instance, this gem of a conversation between my friend Sarah and I.  Since then she’s ALSO gotten an iPhone, and would you believe that means the conversation bubbles are now blue?  These are things that I’ve learned in the last few weeks…I am now part of the cool kids club and I couldn’t be happier about it.  Well, I couldn’t be happier about the fact that my phone actually WORKS properly now and doesn’t freeze up all the time.

But I digress.  So what have I been trying with my morning oatmeal?  Well, nothing new.  Except one day I took oatmeal TO GO because I met a friend for breakfast and didn’t get my oatmeal fix.  Also I needed to pack a lunch and didn’t have much on hand.  It worked.


Oatmeal in the car!  It was an AWESOME lunch.  The blackberries were ripe and plump, the oatmeal so…oaty.  I believe that’s some peanut butter, and I put the whole thing together with some protein powder and water.


You can tell this one is yogurt based.  I love the ones with yogurt best but I try to mix it up.


Yummy to that large amount of peanut butter.  And this is obviously steel ground oats.  They are growing on me.


I am drooling looking at that delicious blackberry juice…yummy!


Last but not least.  Or maybe least.  I hate to judge.

So, any suggestions, readers?  How can I make my oatmeal even better and take it to the next level?  I’ll confess that sometimes I add peanut butter, other times I add a touch of dark chocolate dreams, white chocolate wonderful, or cookie butter, none of which are QUITE as healthy, but I try not to do that every day, and I limit it to a little bit.  The blackberries have been on sale lately but I’d love to start eating more blueberries again…that would be a lovely change.

I’m also going to make a small confession.  The other night I was just too tired to put together my overnight oats.  TOO TIRED.  In fact this has happened more than once.  One time I made regular hot oatmeal (on the stove, I’ve mentioned the whole “no microwave” thing) and the other time I made “30 minutes oats” where I soaked the oats in water for about 30 minutes.  It didn’t taste quite as good as the “overnight” versus (had enough of the “quotations” yet?) but was absolutely edible.