It’s Pumpkin Spice Time!

It’s not really, and I know you are all going to be mad at me now, but I had an early eye doctor appointment (well…9 am…) and then I had to get some things at Target and run a few other errands, and I said, TREAT YO’ SELF and got a pumpkin spice latte. And to be clear: it is delicious.

I also tweeted about it, so I’m covering all my bases. I should be doing other thing, such as figuring out which pictures from Banff to share with you (if I’m going to be blogging) or perhaps organizing something in my house, or definitely practicing, but eh, there’s time for all of that. (Not tomorrow though, tomorrow is definitely too busy for any of that.)

I finally (fingers crossed really hard) have all my college teaching students set up. It’s all going to work out, and though Mondays are BUSY, Tuesday and Wednesday aren’t bad at all. In particular today I only have 4 students, so that means I can waste time here blogging and sort of half-heartedly brainstorming for a possible road trip to Colorado next summer (we won’t be doing anything massive, but I thought, what if I can plan something short that would only take one week plus weekends or something…I’m suffering from the whole “being back at work and wishing the scenery here was more beautiful” and “it’s never too early to plan a new vacation” syndromes…or I should become a trip planner for my side hustle.) I’m meeting a friend for lunch soon, and after lunch will be practicing. Probably. You can try to hold me to that. (I am a terrible example for my students.)

My cat is playing with a clock I brought home from work. It didn’t seem to work, so I thought Louie could fix it. He did, by replacing the battery…I thought it would be a more challenging fix! Thank goodness for engineers, right?


This weekend my band has our first of two “CD release concerts.” If you are a local reader, we’d love to have you there!

Did I mention I have become obsessed with the Outlander series of books? I read the first one the other week and since then have been devouring them. (This is definitely cutting into my blogging time). I’m on the fourth one and have definitely missed a little sleep trying to read.

Anyway, I am hoping that this weekend will give me the time and impetus I need to tell you about the Banff part of our road trip. I know it’s been awhile now, but I will get to it. Plus there’s the Icefields Parkway, Jasper, and Theodore Roosevelt NP to talk about as well, so I’d better get back to that soon! Not yet though.

*sips pumpkin spice latte*

So far, this fall is going well. How about you?

2 thoughts on “It’s Pumpkin Spice Time!”

  1. Loving your blogposts, Hannah! If you do go to Colorado, I highly recommend the area around Nederland (up in the mountains outside Boulder). Several national forest campgrounds for you to check out…….Glad you are happily travelling!

    1. I’ve driven through Nederland a few times and always mean to spend more time there (more than say, 1 hour). I am looking at heading to Southern Colorado next, but when we return to that area (I love Rocky Mountain NP too much to not be back within a few years) I want to stay a night or two or more in the Nederland region. Are there specific places you recommend?

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