Photo Books

After getting home from Norway, I didn’t waste any time in putting together a photo book. I got it last week and I’m happy with it!

I ended up spending about $40 on it from Snapfish after a sale code–I think it has about 200 photos, and took me a few hours to put together. First I picked out the photos to use, then I had their program organize them into the book, and then I went through and edited it to what I preferred. Overall I’m happy with the book and I’m glad to have a physical album for pictures. As far as Snapfish goes, never pay full price: make the book online whenever you want and then wait for a good discount code, they come around pretty often.

I haven’t done this in the past as much, and it’s my new goal to “catch up” on photo albums, and then have that be a new thing that I do RIGHT AWAY. So I also made a photo album this past week, for…some trips we took in 2017. I had never done anything with those photos and thought, well, why not now. Maybe it’s silly to print photo books and I won’t look at them much, but I imagine I’ll look at them more than I do a bunch of photos that are doing nothing at all. I have at least one more trip I want to make a book of, and that’s our trip from 2019 when we went to Yellowstone, Glacier, Banff, and Jasper. Otherwise, I’ll probably just keep book-making on my list of things to do post trip.

The last week went by quickly. It was busy with teaching and quartet rehearsals. This weekend was busy with opera rehearsals and a morning quartet performance. It wasn’t THAT busy though, except for yesterday, when I worked all day long. This week is also busy as we have opera rehearsals the first three nights and then performances start: I am playing with Union Avenue Opera (local readers, please come to see us perform Falstaff.) I am glad to be playing some opera after a few years–I am no longer with Winter Opera (I resigned due to a variety of reasons) and so I did miss playing some opera. I also enjoy working with colleagues–teaching from home is lovely but I have so many freelance colleagues that I like and don’t see that often.

The heat finally broke here, at least for a little while. Today’s high is only 84, after days over 100. It will be a nice respite!

How was your weekend?