Picture Annoyances

I wanted to write more blog posts of our trip but I’ve been struggling with how to get my photos from my phone into a format that I can use on this blog program. I normally have been emailing myself photos (yes, tedious) but the other that just stopped working. I guess I was trying to email too many photos at once, but instead of my phone saying that, it just said okay and then did absolutely nothing! I then tried another thing, uploading all my photos to google photos (they are in iCloud already, but my computer is a PC and I’ve not had any luck in the past with having that be helpful) and then I finally got that done after a few days, and then I just went to try to add one to the blog here, and nope, didn’t work. It looks like those photos are in a different format (HEIC) and I’ll have to do another workaround. I could just plug my phone into my computer directly and transfer photos that way but that would seemingly require me transferring all my photos as there are like ten different folders of photos and they don’t necessarily seem to be organized by date in any way (this is the only way I want my photos organized.)

Any suggestions, readers? I will figure this out eventually, but it is causing me to be annoyed.


It still works to email one photo to myself! This is Louie and I on top of Bunsen Peak in Yellowstone.

It has been a busy week. I’ve had a full teaching schedule (I’ve added a few more students this fall, just squeezing people in!) and have been hard at work on a project I set myself up as well. I’ve taken so many teaching pedagogy courses and such over the years and so I am reviewing the material I’ve been given over this time (it is all organized in binders by level) in a methodical way. I’m making an outline of my personal teaching ideas and really working on it. I have decided that since this is what I’m doing, I want to do it really well…I’ve always considered myself a pretty decent teacher, but I think I can be more methodical (often an issue I have). In an online seminar I was watching this week the teacher said something about how you can give the student a lot of bricks but you have to have a plan for the house or it’ll just be a pile of bricks. I’ve been working through all my students and determining what more I need to be doing for them. This has been fun and time consuming.

Now sometimes, it’s on them. Some of them just don’t practice enough, no matter how much I cajole. But others DO and I just need to make sure they know specifically what they should be practicing. Easy as that Winking smile

So that’s where I am, busy teaching, busy reading, doing a bit of practicing, getting ready for a little band livestream this weekend. How are you doing?