We’ve been watching Manifest lately, which I don’t recommend, actually. But now we’re sucked in and we want to see how it ends, and it’s taking forever since we’ve only been averaging 5 episodes a week. There’s a saying they keep saying about “all good things” so that’s where I got my title from.
I’ve been doing a lot of things on the weekends, and I’m already worn out! I got asked for this and that, and each time I want to do it for various reasons (enjoy colleagues, good money, love the music director, etc.) and as a result my weekend I just had was really busy. We did have some fun though: dinner out on Friday night and a symphony concert on Saturday night (yes, we are going three weeks in a row). The concert was really nice, and we ran into friends and went out after the show as well, which felt very “before times” (except that we were at a patio, the place was not super crowded and our friends barely made the cutoff for ordering food at a restaurant that used to be really “late-night”friendly.)

But nonetheless, things are going well. The weather is starting to be really nice, not too humid, cooler, etc. I spent this morning digging up a garden bed of irises: we got a new back porch and now one of the flower beds doesn’t make sense anymore. (If you want some irises and are local, let me know.) I’m not sure if I’ll replant some or not, for now they are just spread out on the remnants of a garden bed.

I’ve played a couple weddings and have a few more in October. I have enjoyed playing some things, especially one where I got to improv a bit more (catholic masses are fun for this reason) and I do enjoy focusing on sound quality as I play. I also played the same piece at two funerals, Arvo Part’s Spiegel Im Spiegel, and I found that oddly coincidental, is this piece really hot right now or something?

I guess that’s it for now. How is your week going? Are you slightly less tired that I am?