Why isn’t it July Fool’s Day?

This summer is flying by! Truthfully, I’ve been busier than ever, which has contributed to the frantic feeling. I’m finishing up the second week of playing a musical at the Muny (for non-local readers, this is an outdoor amphitheater which does musicals all summer: it has been running for 106 years and is the largest outdoor amphitheater of its kind in the US. )

I have played two shows so far: Les Miserables and Dreamgirls, and it’s been a lot of fun, but late nights! The shows start at 8:15, so depending on how long the show is, I’m not getting home until after 11:30 sometimes, and then I need some time to unwind. It’s the complete opposite of my schedule during the year (which is no longer, though, I keep remembering and feeling free about the fact that I don’t have to get up at 5:30 am in the fall again). I’ve also been teaching and playing some weddings and such, so it’s been a full work schedule.

We did have time to do some biking. It’s usually too hot to hike in the summer here, plus the bugs can be really bad, but biking is easier in the hot weather (you make your own breeze, sort of). We’ve done three segments on the Katy Trail this summer, making an out and back with lunch either in the middle or at the end. Yesterday was our longest in awhile, over 19 miles round trip. I’ve been getting more used to being on the bike.

This was on a particularly hot weekend…yesterday was much more pleasant temperature wise and we even enjoyed our lunch sitting outside on a patio. Summer is more pleasant with lower humidity.

It’s been a fun month: Louie and I saw 3 operas together (he saw one more without me) and we did the bike rides. I had a pretty social month too, catching up with a variety of friends and seeing lots of people and chatting with them at gigs. Playing out more means seeing more people, and I’m friends with so many of my colleagues. We had some nice dinners before the shows and I have had a lot of lunches out.

Oh, and I realized I never shared about earlier in the month either: we went to a wedding (daughter of Louie’s boss) and had a lovely time.

And the cats are well: we got them a new hammock on their tree.