Rain, rain, go away!

I had a workout with Mike.  I was actually planning to run afterwards, but stupidly I didn’t realize it was raining until I left the gym.  Instead of heading back inside, I decided to go to Target to get a couple of things.  No, I am not going to run in the rain today, I did that last Sunday and feel that was enough for the week.

I got pumpkin and cake mix there!  The checkout lady asked me what I was making with those.  I told her it was actually two different recipes (one being those cake mix blondies I made awhile back) but then told her I thought I had made a recipe where you layer the pumpkin on top of the cake mix and it makes a pumpkin cake of sorts but I didn’t think it was very good.  I then realized she was giving me a look and was probably thinking, why is the crazy lady wearing a sparkly pink head band and gym clothes STILL talking about cake mix?  Sad.


Honestly though, I don’t know why I bought the pumpkin.  I heard there were going to be shortages, that’s why.  Except I did the same last year, and I’m pretty sure I still have a few cans.  I really only use 2 or 3 cans of pumpkin a year, maybe one for pumpkin bread, one for a pie, one for something else, and then I think, oh, I’m totally going to make more goodies, but it’s hard for just two people.  Especially two people who are working really hard to be in awesome shape for their upcoming nuptials.


I can’t believe it’s already Thursday again.  This weekend is again full of activity and running.  I don’t think I’ll be making it to the Symphony this weekend due to teaching and weddings, but I’ve got a blogger meet up on Sunday, 9 or 10 miles of running, might go see a friend’s band, and who knows what else.  I feel like my weekends end up being busy than my weekdays, which is fine by me.  I prefer a nice relaxing Thursday and a weekend full of activities with friends.  (Especially those silly friends who have full time jobs with {gasp} regular hours…I don’t know how they do it!)

I posted earlier today asking for your favorite fall recipes.  I want to try a new recipe with my pumpkin!  Please give me some more ideas, readers!

Also I forgot one post with some delicious pumpkin chocolate chip cookies I made awhile back.  Enjoy!

What are your favorite fall recipes?

The fall weather we’re currently having is making me think about cookies, muffins, pies, and other baked goodies.  I haven’t baked in awhile, whether because it’s been summer (maybe) or because I just haven’t been that excited about it.  I was looking back at my blog and saw a couple of great recipes I made in the past.  Since I’m feeling a bit lazy and rushed today, let me just give you a few quick links!

There’s my “world famous” pumpkin bread.  Not truly world famous, but this stuff is foolproof, amazing, and I’ve been making it for years.  Last year I added chocolate chips to it and it was somehow improved!

I also made some delicious vegan pumpkin bars last fall.  I recommend!

I highly recommend the jam filled butter cookies from this post…


I need to use this baby more in the fall!  Hit me up with some “must bake” recipes, readers! What are your favorite fall recipes??

Wedding planning and etsy

I haven’t mentioned my wedding in awhile, so I thought I’d do so today 🙂

Are you familiar with the website Etsy.com?  It is a GREAT place to buy handmade and unique items at reasonable prices.  I have spent SO much time browsing the website looking for neat stuff for my wedding.  So far I’ve gotten my invitation set there and my earrings and I’m considering a few other things.  I am working with a woman on creating a very special cake topper (no, no spoilers, you’ll just have to wait) and I’ve just ordered a faux fur bolero jacket. 

If you are one of the lucky few who have seen the picture of my dress or even luckier few (yes, Mom and Laura) who got to pick it out with me, you know what I mean.  If you haven’t seen the dress you still probably know that it is cold in January and that generally wedding dresses are not made of fur or wool.  So I need something to wear over it that would be at least somewhat photogenic, and it would be excellent if that something wasn’t my puffy grey Gap coat that is currently my winter coat.  (Note to self, also need new dressy winter coat for this season in addition to practically all new winter wardrobe.)



I can’t wait to get it in the mail!  If it isn’t as awesome as I am hoping the vendor does have a return policy.  Sadly I don’t get my wedding dress in hand until late November/early December so I can’t truly test it out until then.

Here’s some other cool stuff I "favorited" on the site: 


Violin and Bow Earrings

(Just for fun, not for my wedding)


Furry Purse!!


Something blue.  Then I could lend them to my sister and they would be both blue and borrowed…(sorry, I know, too far.  I need more coffee to decide on what are suitable jokes for the blog and what is just pretty gross…ugh, used underwear…ugh.)


Darth Vader cufflinks.  Perhaps a gift for the groom? 

AND today is the "pick up the invitations" day.  I am super excited to see them as I have been working on them off and on for the last couple of months.  We went a little over budget on the invitations (story of my life) but they are going to be worth it.  If YOU get an invite please don’t just toss it in the trash, at least put it on your fridge for the next couple months…

Have you ever bought anything on Etsy.com?  Or do you sell anything there?  Leave your answer in the comments (you KNOW I want comments, dear readers!)


Barbecue means different things to different people.  To me, I first and foremost think of Hickory Hills Barbecue in my hometown of Clinton, South Carolina.  Right or wrong, it will forever be thought of as having both the greatest barbecue and the greatest sweet tea.  My brother worked there a couple summers in high school (or maybe just one) and for my birthday one year treated me and my sister to the buffet lunch.  I believe we each drank approximately a gallon of sweet tea and who knows how much meat.  I remember driving the ten to fifteen minutes home and being so ridiculously, uncomfortably full…such that I have never experienced again except perhaps on Thanksgiving.  Certainly I have never driven so full again.

Here in St Louis they serve an unflavored meat as barbecue and you evidently are meant to add your flavoring at the table.  You can tell I am not at all biased (some things about the south I love, such as barbecue and grits…everything else I hate with a passion) against St Louis style barbecue.  Maybe I am actually just not a gigantic meat fan (don’t twss me, please) and prefer side dishes.  I definitely do on Thanksgiving!

Last Tuesday Chris and I decided to go to Bogart’s in Soulard.  He had been several times before and raved about it to, and I figured it was a good lunch idea.


The view from our table.

We both ordered the same thing—the barbecue pork sandwich with potato salad and beans.  I also got a sweet tea, because it was an option and what else would I drink with barbecue??


The tea wasn’t as sweet as in Clinton.  You couldn’t feel your teeth rotting as you drank it.  This is a good and a bad thing.  Also note the excellent tablecloth and the paper towels.


Okay.  The meal.  Sides first:  the beans were to DIE for.  These were the greatest beans I have ever eaten.  Yes they also contain a lot of meat.  DELICIOUS.  The potatoe salad was really tasty as well.  I’ll have to try the cole slaw next time, as that was the other thing that I was interested in.  The meat…well you see I added my own sauce.  It was totally fine.  A bit too much bun.  I guess I just want some gross southern style hash on my sandwich…call me crazy!  Anyway, I still recommend you go to Bogart’s, and I will be back. 

Remember people, it’s barbecue with a "c".  I know I’ve mentioned it before, but barbecue is one of my spelling bee words.  I spelled it barbeque.  No wonder though, if you look at the Hickory Hills menu

Lululemon 5k Race Recap and Ramblings

I am not one of those Lululemon girls.  I don’t care about fancy workout clothes, AS long as they are in bright colors.  I don’t get super excited over new tanks or yoga pants.  I don’t aspire to work or to have worked at Lululemon.  (It seems that many in the blog world do, that’s why I am clarifying.  Then again, it’s just making me sound cranky.  Oh well, it’s Monday.  I’ve a right to be mildly cranky.)

If you are saying to yourself, what on earth is Hannahviolin even talking about?  What is Lululemon? then let me just tell you, it’s a store.

Okay, glad we’ve cleared that up.  The Lululemon store at Plaza Frontenac (a fancy mall nearby…well not that nearby as it’s fancy) hosted a 5k.  And it was FREE to sign up and run.  Free, I tell ya.  And they say nothing in life is free.

My friend Maddie was running it and that’s how I found out about it.  I signed up (free) but I was still waffling over whether or not to run as it was early the day after the first SLSO concert of the season.  (The concert was fantastic!  All Stravinsky.)  In any case, I wanted to run 8 to 9 miles (really, 9) on Sunday so I thought, well 3 for the race then I only have to run 6 more.  Also I had off all day Sunday so there really wasn’t a good excuse not to run. 

I picked up my packet.  Let me clarify that I did not carry my phone or camera.  I just didn’t want any extra stuff on hand, plus it looked like it might rain and I didn’t want to ruin anything.

IMG_0977 IMG_0978

For free, not bad.  Got a little bag with mainly race flyers inside, with a pack of playing cards and a tiny Lululemon change purse as well.  I guess that’s for what little you have leftover after you purchase one of their products.

We hung around waiting for the race to start, and it started raining off and on, and then more on than off.  The race started, and it was coming down pretty hard…and then by mile 2 it was absolutely pouring.  I felt like my shoes were buckets of water that I was stupidly running in.  I was completely soaked and to make matters worse, the course was quite hilly—it went through a neighborhood near the mall and was just uphill then downhill, uphill then downhill.  I pushed through though, because I was hoping to beat my 5k PR from May (31:11, though at the time I couldn’t recall the seconds, so I just knew if I beat 31:00 I would beat it).  I got a bit discouraged during mile 2, what with the hills, the rain, and my shoelace coming untied.  Did I also mention my blisters from some adorably cute shoes I wore Friday night?  Nonetheless, what is it THEY say?  Pain is weakness leaving the body, I believe.

The rain started to let up and I knew I was in the home stretch.  I turned into the mall parking and starting sprinting towards the finish line.  Maddie was yelling my name as I ran through so I tried to run with really awesome form and such.  The finish line was actually closer than I thought…so for once I finished a race without feeling like I was going to throw up…though I bet I could have finished a few seconds earlier had I pushed it a bit harder.  Nonetheless.


New Personal Record!!!  (PR, as we in the biz like to say)

Didn’t even want to do it. (Okay, I did.  It wasn’t the involuntary luge.)

After the race there was water, bananas, and bagels.  For a free race, it was super well organized with lots of amenities.  Since it was at the mall, we got to use the mall toilets (which at Plaza Frontenac are probably the nicest bathrooms I have ever used.)  It was a really nice race and the price can’t be beat. 


Rob, me, Maddie, and Dave (thanks to Dave for the picture, just met him for the first time at the race.)  Yes, it was early.  I look tired, I felt tired.  Definitely not my greatest race photo…but hey, a PR is a PR.  I’ll take it! 

It started POURING after the race, and we made a quick trip to Starbucks for Pumpkin Spice Lattes.  I took a nap, then ran around Forest Park with Vanessa.  Again in the rain.  AND I didn’t get any side stitches or take any walk breaks. 

I got my running mojo back, I think!  Jen even called me hard core in a text message.  Things are looking up.  I think 🙂

More Cowbell (really!)

As you may know, I play violin in an ocarina trio (ocarina, piano, and violin.) We are currently rehearsing and will be doing some recording soon.  One of the pieces we are playing doesn’t have violin on it, so I was asked if I would play…cowbells! 

Of course.


I thought I’d be holding the cowbells, but since there are two we rigged up some "cowbell stands."  I’m busy playing there.


Playing the cowbells is serious business. 



Or maybe not.  Maybe playing the cowbells is actually really funny?  Or I’m crying because I can’t keep a steady beat due to lack of technique and left hand issues?  My right hand is pretty consistent but my left hand is a disaster.  Percussionists, HELP! 


I have to admit.  I really just wanted one picture of me playing, but Lan Sin (our pianist) got a bit carried away with the photo taking.  I’m glad though, it was nice to have a variety of pictures.  I may need to update my business cards to reflect my new skills…perhaps hannahviolin will become hannahcowbell!

No.  Probably not.

But remember, I am running the "MO’ Cowbell Half Marathon" in TWO WEEKS.  Goodness, where did the time go?  Why am I not more prepared?

I’m sure you’ve all seen the skit.  But have you read the wikipedia article about the skit? 

All right friends, I’m exhausted.  Ran a 5k this morning, MOST likely pr’ed (it seems I crossed the line before 31 minutes) but I’ll wait for it to be official.  I’ll tell you more about it later, maybe 🙂