I believe that Autumn is here!

Today is a bleary overcast day…it’s perfect! Unfortunately I’m stuck in the pit playing two shows today and can’t be inside looking out the window and appreciating it.

Yesterday was supposed to be a few things that it wasn’t. I did manage to get some good rest and “self-care” in and then had some stomach issues plaguing me the rest of the day. I took this morning off as well to make sure any lingering effects were gone, and I’m feeling pretty well back to normal. I’m sure you wanted to know that (then again, maybe you do!)

This weekend is incredibly busy as we finish off the second week of Hello Dolly. I’m glad that next week will have some earlier evenings and some breathing room…I’ve been managing to take some time for things that I enjoy, but I haven’t been able to spend much time with Louie or other friends, and that’s always something that gets pushed aside when work is really busy (as evenings and weekends are when many people are free to hang out). I also miss having a dinner where you cook something and then sit down and eat it off of a plate! Okay, I know, it’s only been about two weeks, and it’s been a fun show (I always wake up with tunes in my head) and I’m just saying…I’m a bit tired is all.

It’s not as if my schedule is totally free after this—as we head into prime season things are heating up. I don’t have any particularly noteworthy events happenings, but there’s opera, random concerts, more weddings, and then we get into the Christmas season. I also have various student events. You know, the usual. Running around, feeling a bit stressed, making it all work somehow. As one does. I know it’ll all work out and I like to think that with experience I get better at it, but I’m not always sure.

This isn’t a terribly interesting blog post, I know. Life is often just a series of mundane events, isn’t it? And if a blog reflects life, perhaps many of the blog entries would be mundane. Paying bills, cleaning, trying to stay organized (my music collection is always out of control, for instance), laundry, meal planning and cooking, exercising, returning emails, phone calls, preparing for the next event, invoicing students, etc. The list goes on and on!

Book wise I’ve been reading Deborah Crombie’s books. I’ve finished the Outlander Books but want to re-read them as well (and I’m hoping to start the TV show when I have a little more time, ha!). I have been watching Succession and I’m up to date on it, great show! Maybe it’s intended to make us all feel glad we don’t have the issues of the super-rich Winking smile . What are you reading and watching lately?