Running Fall

I had quite the day on Saturday! I was out for a run, and really enjoying it. The weather was cool but sunny, perfect for outdoor exertion, and I was feeling good—really pushing myself on speed because my legs were feeling refreshed. I was about a mile from home, when I found myself falling…I guess I tripped on the sidewalk somehow, and landed part on the sidewalk and part in the grass. As I was falling I was thinking about how I had to play two Hello Dolly shows that day and I think I was trying to save my hands and wrists from getting hurt.

I sat there for a bit, first deciding if I could get right back up (no) and then deciding how badly I’d hurt myself. I decided nothing was broken or sprained and just some scrapes (pretty bad on the left outside leg), and then I remembered I had my phone, so I was considering getting a ride share back home. Louie was at work all day, so I didn’t have any help available there. I even saw somebody and just sort of smiled and they kept going, and I was also feeling a bit embarrassed and wondering how long I could sit there, and how I was supposed to wipe up the blood (use my shirt?), and that’s when a nice man approached me to ask if I needed help. I would have been a little more apprehensive except he was also with his wife and he was taking great care to seem not frightening, and I ended up first getting some napkins from them to dab off some of the blood, and then getting a ride back home—first I said it was only 2 or 3 blocks away, partly because I wasn’t sure I wanted a ride with a stranger, but also because I wanted to be self-sufficient. It was about a mile away, which isn’t bad in the car of course, but would have been a long walk (I think I would have called an uber or something, and I figured, well that’s a stranger too). Anyway, I got back and tried to figure out how to clean myself up and get bandaged. It didn’t seem super gross at the time, but that night when I got home and needed to change everything out it grossed me out more—I had a lot of “road rash” on the left leg and…well, this is why I’m not a doctor! (for starters).


As I was sitting there trying to figure out the best way to stand up I did take a picture of my legs. I see here that I was sitting in the grass by the sidewalk…


I landed a little on my hand. This was a good injury for violin in that it didn’t affect my ability to play at all!

My legs still hurt a bit, but things are starting to scab over. I’m tired of having large bandages on, but that’s how things go. People say you never regret a run, but I kind of wish I’d just relaxed Saturday morning instead!


In other news, we finished the Hello Dolly run. I also finished an easy cross stitch project—I found the black cloth a bit difficult to work with though. I’ve started on a more challenging, Thanksgiving themed one next. I ended up having about 3 hours to stitch yesterday due to a bunch of students being sick, and it was nice. I barely made a dent in the project though, which means that it will take a long time. That’s fine with me, no rush.


I ended up finishing the back by folding in the cloth, sewing it together and adding a piece of felt. I’m turning into a weird super crafty person.


Muriel likes sitting on the printer too I guess. Lately she hangs out quite a lot on top of the router in my living room (it’s warm and maybe she feels the waves, ha) but I liked this printer cat pose. (Yes, that’s a guitar next to the printer. We still have a fair amount of organizing and decluttering to do.)

Well, that’s it for now. I’ve got some errands to run before a fairly light day of teaching (well deserved light day, if you ask me). Tonight we are trying a new restaurant down the street called Taco Circus.