Nearly Halloween

I have been busy in my free time! I started a cross stitch project for Thanksgiving and I realized it’s much more time consuming than I thought, and now I’m struggling to put in the hours needed to finish in time. I’m not sure if I will, but I am making the effort. I’m even cutting down on my reading. It’s fun, and that’s what matters.

My legs are healing, though slowly. I went on my first run since falling and I felt fine, although I was very aware of the ground and probably got a crick in my neck from looking down too much, ha!

This weekend is Louie’s birthday and we have a few things planned. I don’t have much work this weekend—honestly I should have turned down the wedding I’m playing yesterday in order to spend more time with Louie on his birthday, but he has work anyway, so I don’t feel bad about it…I just regret that I’m giving up what could have been a full day off. I find myself saying yes to all gigs I’m available for whether or not I actually need to do them…then again, it’s hard to decide you don’t need to do a gig for budget reasons when your pay is so variable and heavily seasonal. I just accepted another gig for December—I was shocked it fit into my schedule and since it did, I said yes. That’s my motto for the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, if it fits it sits, or something like that. And then I said no to a Christmas Day job and a couple right after that because I have family coming, so I think I’m managing to balance okay. Did I mention Louie has work to do anyway and I might as well make the money?

The good thing is that Saturday looks rainy, and that’s the day I have work, and Sunday looks nice and that’s the day I don’t, so I think it is lucky! Today is bleary as well, and I guess the good thing is is that fall is finally here.

We’ve been watching the Handmaid’s Tale. I’d seen Season 1 awhile back but was hesitant to start Season 2. I realized there’s also a Season 3 now (do I really need to capitalize Season, probably not) which means we’ll have more to watch. I am not finding it quite as difficult as I was: there are a few more ridiculous things in this season that don’t make sense and bring you out of the story a bit more, but the other thing is that I’m not watching it worrying about what might happen, I am watching it thinking about how our country was FOUNDED on slavery and white men thinking they were superior and had dominion over everybody else, and that is the exact premise of this show, and it ALREADY HAPPENED. So instead of thinking, this could happen, I’m thinking, this DID happen and how dare anybody FORGET that and think that this is unique, only because what, a white woman is enslaved? We can be better than that.

I’ve got teaching now, so I’m going to run and hit publish. Friday is a busy day!