My save the date cards

Okay, I think FINALLY people have all gotten their save the date cards with the exception of a couple we were/are still tracking down addresses for.  That means…I can finally share them with you all! 

*disclaimer, if you are only reading this on my blog, do NOT save the date, though presents are of course still welcome*

*other disclaimer, I am not going to post a link to the wonderful artist who made these for us because I don’t want to spoil the invitation plan.  I’ll tell you all about her later!*


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I love them!  I was so excited when I got them :)  What do you think?  Awesome, right? 

Tomorrow: Wedding dress shopping part the second

I have two appointments tomorrow for wedding dress shopping.  I’m sure it will be grand! 

Last night we went to the Cardinals game.  Joe and Michelle got the tickets. 

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Incredibly flattering photographs of me!  Anyway, those were our seats—it was in a section of the stadium I’d never sat in, called the "left field porch" or I guess more appropriately the "left field party porch." 

The game started poorly (the Reds were up 8-0 at one point) but the Cards came back and eventually tied the game.  It went into extra innings, and we actually had to leave (work night for some people), but caught the end of the game at home.  The Cardinals unfortunately lost, but at least it wasn’t super embarrassing. 

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I was good and didn’t eat any of that junk.  I just photographed it for blackmail purposes.

Anyway, we had a great time—the chairs even had cushions on them!

Today I had a workout with Mike, met with another florist, and (gasp) taught a few students.  Tomorrow my parents are coming to visit.  They are actually driving up from SC right now.  They’ll be here over the weekend, and it’s the first time they’ve come to visit, so there should be lots to do.  If I don’t blog over the next couple of days, that’s why! 

Wish me luck tomorrow!  Ideally I’ll find my dress.

Wedding Dress Shopping, Part 1

Obviously I didn’t buy any of these or I wouldn’t be posting here…

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I didn’t find anything I really liked yesterday.  Some of them were okay, and I definitely got a better idea of what I am looking for.  It may just be that I felt a bit ridiculous in a gigantic white (ish) dress and the whole thing is crazy.  Or alternately that I wanted MORE ridiculous attention from the saleslady and she was being more hands off.  Looking at the pictures we took I like some of them more than I did in the store, and vice versa.  Either way, don’t they say that when you find your dress you just know?

I’ve got more dress appointments on Friday, so I’ll have more chances.  We’ll see what happens!

Also the other day was cake tasting again.


And we have chosen our cake.  It’s just a matter of going and booking it now. 


Chris looks really tan here. 

Fourth of July

So, after my early morning race, I had a BBQ to prepare for!

Or cookout.  Depending.

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In a nutshell:  making dark and stormies (rum and ginger beer), burgers and brats, hanging out in the backyard with friends, playing badminton, and using a badminton birdie retrieval device when the birdie (or shuttlecock) went into the neighbor’s yard by accident.


(it was a pasta spoon taped to a broom.)

I made “chocolate eclair dessert” (link goes to basically my recipe) and Ina Garten’s potato salad.  Both were delicious.  I also made a 7 layer dip (avocadoes, beans, tomatoes, onions, olives, cheese, sour cream, salsa…that’s more than 7 layers already though…).

And now for some of Brad‘s pictures I ripped from his facebook page:

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Hope you had a great holiday as well!  That will be the last event that I host until my wedding, as far as plans go.

O’Fallon Firecracker Run Recap

Awhile back Jen asked if I wanted to do the O’Fallon Firecracker 10k on July Fourth.  Naturally I agreed as I am always up for racing.  When it got closer to the date I was less excited as it had been so HOT plus the race started at 7 am.  We realized we needed to leave around 5:30 am.  Not super great.  Nonetheless, still plans were made for our first 10k, after which we would feel {slightly} less guilty for overindulging at my barbecue.

When my alarm went off, I was not super thrilled to be a “crazy runner” as some of our friends have started calling us.  However, I got up, got dressed, got my breakfast and coffee and got ready to go.  And realized it was pouring rain.  Well, at least it wouldn’t be hot.

It took us about 45 minutes to get to the race.  It was being held in O’Fallon by the River City Rascals Ballpark, which I assume is some sort of minor league team.  And I don’t feel like googling that, but you go right ahead.

We picked up our t-shirts and race numbers.  The race was well organized plus there were real bathrooms, always a plus.


Oh, and I should mention that we sort of wore costumes.  We thought people would be decked out, as it was the Fourth of July.


We were wrong.  There were only a handful of other people wearing anything even remotely resembling a costume.  A shame, in my opinion.  After all, isn’t part of the fun of racing being silly and ridiculous?  Or am I missing something?

We got our picture taken by somebody else also, “for the website.”  I found it later on facebook (Big River Running’s page), and realized what is holding me back from being a real celebrity. (hint: it’s not my legs!)


Had I been wearing my sunglasses that would have been a fantastic picture.  Maybe we can photoshop them in?

I also found this other picture:


Those were the other people in costume.  Seriously.  O’Fallon, I’m disappointed in you. (Then again, what did I expect?  This is why I live in the city.)

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Or maybe it’s because I am CRAZY.  That face is just frightening.  I’m only including this photo because I look ridiculously thin.

The rain had basically let up, and we lined up for the race.



We ended up in an area where it seemed that none of the men were wearing shirts.  Strange.  And I blame Jen.

ANYWAY.  The race got started, and off we went.  Our goal was to finish in under 11 minute miles, to not walk, and to get to the end without any crying.

The rain came and went, and we were both completely soaked.  But we kept going.

I won’t bore you with too many more details, but basically it went pretty well, though after about 4 miles Jen went on ahead because I was too slow (I insisted she go on ahead, of course!).

At the end of the race we entered the ball park and rounded the bases.  This might have been more fun if it wasn’t just a big mud trap!  I wanted to sprint but kept having to slow down because I was afraid of wiping out.

I finished in 1:07:18.  Just under the 11 minute mile goal (yay!) and without ANY crying, by either myself or Jen.  (Yes, I’m referencing the Go! St Louis fiasco.)

Afterwards I needed to sit down.  I guess my phone camera was a little foggy from all the rain.


There was a good spread of free food afterwards alone with some samples of stuff.  Overall it was a good run and a good race, though a little boring.  Would I run it again?  Probably not, as the course just wasn’t that interesting, but I’m glad we did.

My first 10K!

227 out of 287 for the 10k.  41st in my division.  1:07:18.

Fabulous Fourth of July

I had a very long but wonderful day. 


I ran the O’Fallon Firecracker 10k with a time of 1:07:18.  It was my first 10k so an automatic PR!  Now for 6 days off (one per mile, right?).

Then it was BBQ time!  Lots of friends, lots of food, and some badminton.



These pictures courtesy of Brad Gutting.

More details to come because I’m exhausted now!  The next few days are back to work, back to wedding planning, and will be super busy.  I think I can manage.

thoughts about violin, teaching, running, life.