Retreat day 3

Can you believe it’s June already?  I feel old when I say things like that. 


So it’s the third day of the online virtual pretend summer retreat.  Yesterday was all about sleep, and I generally get plenty of sleep so I felt good about that one.  Today is about my diet. 

On day #3, the main goal is just to cultivate an awareness of what/when you are eating and think about how your diet is serving you.

It’s very interesting timing because my trainer’s weight loss competition started yesterday.  I’m attempting to lose 12 pounds in the next two months or so.  I’ve been eating pretty healthfully, and I know (hypothetically) what I need to cut out of my diet to lose weight (or minimize, at least, i.e. cheese and alcohol.)  If I win the competition I get a free month of training…

The recommendation is to "play food blogger" for a day and keep track of everything I eat.  I am supposed to be keeping a food diary (not like the food diaries from my "trips out west" in middle school where ice cream was served at 10 am and turkey sandwiches shortly after and then bedtime…then again, perhaps a very similar idea…) and while I haven’t officially started keeping a food diary yet, perhaps today will be a good day to start.  I will not be blogging that, however.  You don’t get to see what I eat in a day, sorry.  None of your damned business.

(I know if I want to lose weight that I will go to bed hungry.  That is just how it works.  The question is am I ready for that, and can I work out and run the way I want to if I am going to bed hungry?  And don’t say, oh that’s not healthy.  That’s how it works for me.  And yes, I embrace that feeling of hunger.)

Next comes the Michael Pollan book suggestion.  I haven’t read "In Defense of Food" but I did follow the link to the 12 commandments of eating (and I love so it was a win-win).  Follow this link!  I know I should read it, but I read "The Omnivore’s Dilemma" and found him to be somewhat insufferable and pretentious.  Sorry.  I just can’t.

Perhaps I’ll try the meditation idea for lunch (– for one meal, try to go without media/entertainment –) I generally read while eating (if I am alone) and I suppose no harm is done to try to simply eat.  


Happy Wednesday!

Memorial Day BBQ

We had a wonderful time at our friends’ bbq yesterday.

Growing up, we used to call it a "cook-out."  A cook-out meant burgers and hot dogs on the grill.  A barbecue was something different, that involved…well…barbecue.  And I’ll always be partial to the barbecue of my childhood.  I don’t care for the stuff they call barbecue here in St Louis too much, at least not in comparison.

In any case, no matter what you call it, we had a great time.  In typical fashion, we had way too many side dishes because everybody brought something.  And everything tasted fantastic!


I told Chris he needed to get used to having his picture taken.


Jon was very proud of his gigantic glass.


This is Chauncey, their dog.  He’s not so bad when he’s just sitting there.  And now for a bunch of pictures!

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I burnt my finger on the shrimp skewers.  Interesting fact:  metal skewers are hot when they come off the grill.  Even when the shrimp looks exceedingly delicious.  My finger is okay, just two little blisters.

Virtual Summer Retreat:

It’s amazing how my outlook has changed lately simply by being DONE with in-school teaching for the year.  And for more than that.  Possibly forever.  I just wasn’t enjoying my work the past six months or so, and now that I am DONE with school, I am much happier and carefree.

If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile, you know this.  And April/May were particularly tough months for me, but now I feel lighter and more ready to face my future.


One of my favorite bloggers is running an online six week virtual summer retreat, and I first read about it a few weeks ago during a darker time.  And thought, wow that’s a perfect idea to get my spirits up!  This retreat started today.


This week’s theme:  Inside/out

Now, the retreat doesn’t require blogging about it, but I just wanted to touch on a few things that I thought of while working on today’s "assignment."

Writing assignment: we were asked to write down what an "ideal day" would look like.  In the spirit of the retreat—making it work for me rather than somebody else– I decided not to actually do this, but I did brainstorm some of my favorite activities and things that I love to do.  Basically, I love to read, cook and eat, and hang out with Chris and other friends.  The next part was to try to incorporate some of these "ideal day" activities into today.  EASY as it’s a holiday…I am basically having the perfect day!  I already read quite a bit and soon Chris and I are going to a barbecue with friends. The only thing perhaps missing is a long run with Jen to really feel alive, but I did that yesterday.  I even "meditated" for a few minutes and considered how to redirect my outlook on a few matters that have been causing a bit of trouble.  Yes, even though I make a lot of jokes, I do occasionally look seriously within myself—this retreat is part of that.

I also read the recommended reading "you’re already perfect" by zen habits. 

The author says "You’re already good enough, you already have more than enough, and you’re already perfect."

"You’re already perfect. Being content with yourself means realizing that striving for perfection is based on someone else’s idea of what “perfect” is … and that that’s all bullshit. Perfect is who you are, not who someone else says you should be."

It’s so true.  I forget how good I have it sometimes.  My life is pretty darned awesome, and I need to remember that all the time.  It’s so hard for me to NOT compare myself to others (and my competitive streak always kicks in then, because I want to be the best.)  Instead I should remember I am already awesome and perfect!  So I can relax. 

(It’s easy for me to say this right now, in a few hours I will likely be again comparing myself to everybody else and noticing where I come up short.  Such is the way my brain works.  Excuse me, my perfect brain.)

In addition to the daily assignment, the weekly assignment/goal is to ruminate on the following:

■ what really works for you?
■ when do you truly feel your best?
■ what gets in your way from making your ideal health practices a reality?

I’ll be thinking about these things all week. 

Want to join me on the virtual summer retreat?  There’s no cost and no commitment.  Let’s do it!

Happy Memorial Day

It’s going to be a hot day today…


I daresay summer is officially here.

We are heading to a friend’s bbq this afternoon.  I’ve made a pie and a pasta salad.  We musicians always try to outdo each other with the food.

Chris wants a dog.  I have a bad feeling that at some point in my life I will be a dog owner.  I never anticipated that.  Maybe I’ll counter that if he gets a dog I get a daughter?  (cue awkward pause).

(pause continues)






I’d better go check on the pasta salad, see how that’s coming along.

Workout Sunday

I think I’ve mentioned that I wanted to try to work out more in the summer, since I have more time.  Some of you might say, how can you work out more?  Others would say, thank goodness, you ARE getting married in 218 days and you really need to shape up.  It’s time to get serious!  (Because if I’m not at my thinnest for my wedding, then there is something wrong with me?)

In any case, this morning I planned a run with Jen, and then in the afternoon I planned to lift weights with Chris and Jon.

Last night I went to Pi in the Central West End with my friends and then we hit up Cafe Eau at the Chase Park Plaza. It was a nice evening, other than a bit of rain, so we enjoyed some outdoors time. 

This morning it was 77 degrees when I got up so I knew it would be a hot day.  I am sure it was over 80 by the time we got to the park, and much more in the direct sun.  However, we dug deep and managed to finish the run with only a couple of VERY necessary walk breaks.  If we’re going to run a race in Chicago in September (we are considering this race) we need to be able to run in the heat.

After the run we hit up the crepes restaurant for a much needed lunch (brunch?).

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Looking GOOD!  And by good I mean really tired. 


Kind of like that.

So I’m having a great Memorial Day weekend so far.  I am going to a barbecue tomorrow (did you know barbecue was one of my "spelling bee words?" you know, the word that you missed in the spelling bee?  I spelled barbeque.)  and have some things to make.  I can’t wait!  Tonight will be movie night with a friend, and tomorrow morning we are meeting with another wedding officiant.  

Local readers:  mark your calendars for Thursday, June 9 at 7:30 pm.  Chamber Project St Louis has their annual Audience Choice Concert at the Chapel and I’m playing on the concert.  It will be a good concert and a good time!  The Chapel is a really nice, relaxed, nontraditional venue, and they always do a great job making chamber music accessible to the audience.



Another Caturday!

I’ve decided to really embrace my love of cats.  Today I am featuring a guest cat on the post.  My sister Leslie has a cat named Albergo that you’ve seen before (if you are a regular blog reader.  If you aren’t, you should be because you are totally missing out on the awesome.)

Here are some recent pictures of Albergo:

This is Albergo sleeping.  He is exposing his belly to (possibly) be petted.  Or murder.  Who knows.  It is said that petting the tummy of a kitty is like frolicking in the back hair of an angel (source).


Albergo also enjoys working out.  This is how you know he’s a Frey kitty.



This next picture is sideways but still awesome.


I can only assume Albergo is preparing to be shipped somewhere.  Cats don’t like travel, but they tolerate it if they are in a box.

Okay, enough Caturday for today.  I stole all these pictures from Leslie, thanks 🙂

thoughts about violin, teaching, running, life.