Category Archives: Random thoughts

Happy Birthday to my Dad!

Happy Birthday, Dad!  Hope you have a fantastic day!  I always love your birthday because it means mine is just around the corner 😉  And be sure to check your email if you haven’t for an important message (gift).  Love you!

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By borrow I mean, of course, you know, for the wedding and all…

Part 2: Books and Goals

The burglary threw me for a loop on my reading goals (and all of my goals really, but I’ll get back to that in June, I think…), since two of April’s books were on my Kindle.  In any case, during that time I started a couple of other books, and then I was so stressed in May that I just decided to reread the Sookie Stackhouse series.  I also read Water for Elephants (yes, I didn’t read it until it came out in a version with a picture of Robert Pattinson on the cover.  Sue me.) which was fantastic!  I’m still working on the Sookie Stackhouse books, and after those I’m going to return to my more “serious” reading goals.

I haven’t been doing my goals and stuff.  The burglary put me in a very foul mood…really since the darned failure of a half-marathon that was the Go! race.  That was followed by a series of unfortunate events that I didn’t deal with that well and instead decided to fight with Chris a bunch.  Finally I feel that negativity is (mostly) behind me as now I am done with the stressful stuff and school is done.  Now it’s time to relax, plan the wedding, hang out with friends, and work out as much as humanly possible.

I ran into Joe (my old trainer) as I was leaving the grocery store today.  It was funny because I was carrying a bag and he teased me to show him what I had bought.  The funniest thing was, I was mostly embarrassed that I had purchased a bridal magazine.  Otherwise I simply had some lettuce, spinach, and salmon.  A bag of groceries any trainer would be proud of!  I felt kind of like a rock star after that…also since I had just run two miles on the treadmill in 18:30.  Even tried to widen my stride a bit.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to a relaxing Memorial Day Weekend.   Relaxing:  that’s been my life theme the past week.  So glad it’s summer!!


Three Things Thursday

1.  My car was fine from the storm.  Evidently the Piper Palm House and the Green house behind it was not 🙁   Those were some scary storms yesterday and I’m glad that it seems the biggest issue was hail damage.


2.  Today feels like Friday.  I think it’s because I didn’t teach in the morning and then I had my workout with Mike.  Usually that’s what I do on Friday.  Thursday is the new Friday.


(It’s not actually, because tomorrow I also have teaching.  But still.  Feels like it.)


3.  I wanted to share this fantastic video with my blog readers.  I shared it already on my facebook page.  It’s one of the greatest musical experiences I had all week.

Legend of Zelda melody for a cappella voices and violin

That’s it for now, dear readers!  I must teach violin at this time.

(and I’m wearing leggings today as pants.)


I saw Bridesmaids last night, SO funny!  Some of the parts were over the top, and I did actually become sick to my stomach during that one scene (I won’t spoil it for you, but even though I am often gross myself, and tend to discuss poop more often than not…I still could barely handle it.  Super gross.)  Super funny though.  And I loved Jon Hamm’s character.


Other than that, fantastic weekend.  Friday night I already mentioned, Saturday was a student recital, wedding, and a relaxing night in watching Harry Potter movies on ABC Family and doing tons of wedding brainstorming.  Sunday I worked out with TWO guys, Chris and my friend Jon 😉 One of these days I should be able to plan my own workout, but not yet.  Not yet.

After that was some errands and cleaning, baking cake batter blondies again for my students, Dressel’s for dinner and the movie.  Good times!

Today is my last day of in school classes.  After that, it’s only after school teaching, and summer (and open schedules) ahead of me for a couple of months.  I’m feeling good!


I know that nobody really finds anybody else’s dreams interesting, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to stop sharing! 

Tthe other night I dreamt that the gym had some newfangled sort of equipment to help people learn to run with a better stride and with lighter feet.  Naturally Mike decided to make me use this equipment, and naturally I didn’t understand what I was supposed to do.  He got more and more frustrated, reiterating the same instructions until he lost his temper and starting yelling at me. 


I told him the dream and he said, that sounds about right.

Last night I had a dream in which Zach Galifianakis thought we were best friends, and everything I tried to do, he was right there running after me.  By the end of the dream I was running around a parking lot in the rain, frantically trying to find my car and drive away before he caught up to me.  I woke up then, and was afraid to go back to sleep for fear I would reenter the dream.  I wasn’t frightened, just REALLY annoyed.


(source)  I’m sure he’s a great guy in real life, but we are not best friends.

Every since I was a little girl I remember sharing my dreams.  My mom, Leslie, and I love sharing our dreams.  (Not our hopes, just our dreams).  I am good at remembering them, and I’ve had some really funny ones over the years.  I’m sure everybody has, even though I know some people (Chris, for instance) remember less of their dreams. 

I don’t take much stock in the whole "what does my dream mean" question though.  I generally assume dreams are random bits of things you’ve experienced, read, seen on tv, thought about, etc, and there isn’t a real deeper meaning (unless you want there to be, in which case, well, they are YOUR dreams).

My two dreams are easy to explain: 

Mike DOES get frustrated sometimes when I can’t do something right.  He’s never yelled, but other people have yelled at me, so I know that feeling.  He does want me to improve my running stride, plus recently we had another discussion about it (airborne running, if you recall.)

The other dream:  Well, Zach Galifianakis has been all over the entertainment news because of the upcoming Hangover Part II movie.  That’s probably all there is to that.  Or secretly I harbor a gigantic crush on him?  I suppose the dream is open to interpretation 😉

Do you like sharing your dreams?  Any funny ones you’ve had recently?  Leave a comment!

Titanic in 3D


Seriously.  Seriously excited.


They are re-releasing Titanic in 3D on April 6, 2012.  So that’s the most important date in 2012 NOW. 

I remember reading an interview with James Cameron last year, when Avatar was in theaters.  He was asked what would happen if Avatar grossed more than Titanic.  He said, well, then I’ll just re-release Titanic in 3D.  I almost fell off the toilet! 


I’ve never even seen a 3D movie—but here’s something you may not know about me:  I saw Titanic in the theaters 11 times.

11 times.


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Titanic in 3D:  bigger than the Mauritania, and far more luxurious.