Super Romantic

Even though we’ve been engaged since February, we just had our engagement photos taken last night.  I don’t know if people ordinarily get them taken earlier (I think so) but we are not most people.  Since we are getting married in January, I wanted to do an outdoor photo session while the weather is nice.  And BOY was the weather nice last night!

We met our photographer, Sarah Crowder, at the Grand Basin in Forest Park.  Shortly after we moved to St Louis, I played a wedding at the Grand Basin.  I thought it was one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen, and even thought to myself that I would get married there.  Of course, I would never have an outdoor wedding, but I COULD have an outdoor engagement session there!

I had the afternoon off and my shoulders were too sore to practice so I was (naturally) messing around online.  Sarah and I are both twitter addicts so we were having a little fun.



I was especially amused to have ANOTHER photo shoot on a Sunday.  That’s two Sundays in a row for putting on ridiculous amounts of eye makeup…but the results are worth it.

Anyway, we met up around 6:00 and she took a ton of pictures in various places around the Grand Basin and then near the World’s Fair Pavilion.  Some were more posed, some were less so.  We ended up having a really good time and Chris really relaxed into the shoot.  We shot photos until the light ran out, close to 7:45.  It was GREAT.

I can’t wait to see the results!  Sarah put up one on facebook (even though Chris doesn’t like himself in it, it’s all we’ve got so far…and I think he looks good).


Guess I’m a runner

Today I definitely feel like a runner.  Why?  Well firstly, I went for a run this morning, the first one in two weeks.  But also because I MISSED it so much…I was getting really cranky, and now I feel like myself.  Running makes me feel like myself.  Ergo, I’m a runner.


Look at us!  This was afterwards, hence the ridiculous smiles.  Six miles around Forest Park (well, almost 6)…easy peasy.  I’m ready to start running longer.  Seriously, I feel so ALIVE right now.  I suppose that’s the infamous “runner’s high” talking.


The “runner’s high” is slightly different.

Last night Chris and I went to Vin de Set for appetizers and then met Melissa at Trattoria Marcella.  We had a great time, and had some FANTASTIC food.  I surprised myself by ordering the “Shaved Brussels Sprouts Salad” and it was delicious!

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I think Chris and I have some room for improvement in our picture posing.  (Tonight, engagement photo session!)

Oh, and my Las Vegas souvenir:  a new “Gun Store” t-shirt.


I must have been tired, I don’t see any bulging muscles?


Oh yeah!

You know what else is making today awesome?


This weather couldn’t be more fantastic right now.  I am feeling great, and I am ready to continue my half marathon training.

Saturday link randomness

Today’s blog post is dedicated to some fun/interesting stuff I’ve read or seen on the internet recently. 


Cute Japanese Cat Doughnuts


Bacon Truck! 


Bacon Jam!


Fashion and Classical Music:  Should Classical Musicians be judged by their attire?

Digital Media and Classical Music


Preschool:  The Best Job-Training Program (funny, people keep getting surprised by how much young children learn!)

Make your own "Cliff Bars"


That’s it for Saturday Link Randomness.  Enjoy the beautiful weather (if you are having beautiful weather like we are).

Why didn’t we do this earlier?

Meaning, register for wedding gifts!  The doorbell rings, the FedEx or UPS man is there with a box.  He refuses to look you in the eye ever since that one time you answered the door wearing a terrycloth robe (fully covered!).  It’s also awkward because one time he was on the bluetooth and you thought he was talking to you. He never laughs at your jokes, and when you tried to tell him once you were getting married and would be getting lots of deliveries he was nonplussed because he assumed you already were (judging!).  Oh well.  PRESENTS!  WHEEEEEE!





Complete with creepy expression!!

I’m playing for an anime convention in Collinsville tonight.  Wish me luck.

More pictures from Pacific Music Festival

More pictures from my little sister Carrie, who was in Japan for a month this summer.


She tagged me on this one.  Not sure why.


Carrie and the Colonel.

She claimed she didn’t eat the chicken. 


Soap, wash, and dry, all in one place! 


Self explanatory!


Mr. Rose with Carrie!  Hi, Mr. Rose!!  (He was Leslie’s teacher, and my rep class teacher for years.  Love him!)


Spaceport in Osaka.  Or something.


See, it’s not just Americans who are stupid!

Summer memories

It’s hard to believe that for me, TECHNICALLY, summer is over.  I am now teaching three days a week at the St Louis School of Music, and their fall semester started on Monday.  And I couldn’t be happier right now with my schedule and my position.  I’m still adding students there (and at home as well) but so far it’s going really well.  I feel so decadent with my mornings free, but honestly, that is just how my schedule is going to be, and I will be SO much happier this way.  Last year was just crazy, and I spent most of the time stressed and unhappy with my students.  This year (and I know I say this every year, but this year really) is going to be great.


Why?  One of my student’s parents last night asked why I teach at the St Louis School of Music when I live in South City (it’s about a 30 minute drive, no big deal).  I told him because the students and parents there are great, and because the school has a great reputation, cares about the product, and respects me as a person.  Plus I do teach out of my home and that doesn’t create any sort of conflict since people don’t drive that far to take lessons here.

I’m sure in a few months I’ll be more tired and rundown, and my new students will have lost all their enthusiasm, but for now, I’m thrilled and excited.

I’ll also add that some of my private students probably won’t be back until after Labour Day, so there are still several weeks of summer left.  It’s sort of half and half.  Plus some of the most exciting summer events are yet to come! (Sisters visiting, Bridal Shower.)

But…the title of my post:  summer memories.  Last night driving home I was reliving my summer in my head.  Since, like I said, it’s basically over.

I was thinking of some of my favorite summer moments…in no particular order…







  • Wedding dress shopping…and finding the perfect wedding dress!


(not my dress)

I’ll miss you, Summer 2011!  But you were a GREAT one.  Next summer I’ll be married and probably will be doing stuff like cooking and cleaning around the house rather than going out with friends and having fun.

(That’s a joke, of course.  I can’t clean.)
