Car drives into Club Fitness

My gym.  Somebody drove into it.  I wasn’t there but Mike was.  I’ll have to hear more next time I see him.




I know we’ve all done stupid things.  But I’ve never driven my car into a storefront before, thank goodness!  Seriously people.  Focus. 

That reminds me…frightening moments…I was on the phone with a friend yesterday.  We were chatting during our commutes (attention IRS:  I mean travel for work, not commute as home is my main location) and suddenly she says, "I just got rear-ended."  I started freaking out!  Yes, she was fine.  But still, scary. 

Speaking of scary:  My friends Alicia and Andrew are making progress (it seems?  Andrew for sure, it sounds like) but still have a LONG way to go.  The website reminds us this is now a marathon, not a sprint.  Please continue keeping them in mind.  It’s been a little over two weeks.  Unimaginable.  Life changes in an instant.  (oh don’t worry, I’m not getting wound up again…just saying!)

Watching this man on the Colbert Report right now:  Nassir Ghaemi, author of "A First Rate Madness." (link to NYtimes article) He seems to suggesting that leaders are better when they are mentally ill.  I’ll have to read the book.  It seems (potentially) controversial, but yet not perhaps that far from Kay Redfield Jamison’s writings either.  I’ve always said somebody would have to be crazy to run for president… (hyuk, hyuk)

Beautiful Weather


Doesn’t that look just BEAUTIFUL?  And by Saturday, I’ll be running again (not in the T-storms, but I think you understand.)


Hard to get a good picture of that.  But how pretty are my purple toenails?  I need to cut them before I start running again or I will be in trouble.

Sorry, this blog post is rather boring.  Oh, you know what it needs?


Bacon.  Praline Bacon from Monarch, to be exact.  This stuff is AMAZING. 

Oh!  I don’t think I told you guys about Monarch yet.  I went there Saturday night with my friends Jen and Kim.  We split the bacon and BBQ goat appetizers.  The bacon is pictured about…it’s smothered in brown sugar and who knows what else.  Great for splitting though, probably a bit decadent to order on your own.  (The guilt, oh the guilt.) 

Then I got the BBQ shrimp and grits.  I’m a southern girl.  When shrimp and grits are on the menu somewhere, I have a really hard time NOT ordering them.  They were fantastic, and what’s more is that I was able to eat exactly half and take the rest home.  Monarch is owned by the same people who own Herbie’s, another restaurant I love.  It was a great dinner, and I would definitely return (and take Chris, he’d like it too, even though he does NOT share my bacon obsession, silly boy.) 

After dinner we went to the Central West End to meet some people from Jen’s gym, but it was too humid outside, and several of the people from her gym were…how do I say this, STILL wearing their gym clothes even though it was Saturday night, so we decided to move on.  We ended up at Beale on Broadway (a blues club) listening to a really great band.  I generally don’t like bars with live music (yes, sue me…) plus this was great!  It was still outdoors though, and the heat and humidity was rough.  It was a good evening though.

But like I showed you at the top, the weather NOW is fantastic.  I’m going out for a walk around the park.  Have a great day!

Tuesday afternoon randomness

I haven’t run since a week ago Sunday.  I’m currently icing my ankle/leg.  It’s getting MUCH better.  I plan to run this weekend (but not before.)  Who would have thought I’d miss it so much?  Weird.  Seriously weird. 

The gym this morning was tough.  Mike made me do a ridiculous amount of squats—back squats and front squats (holding the bar on the front of your shoulders).  I didn’t care for it.  The highlights of the day were when I went around a corner and almost ran into somebody, and then he almost kicked a woman who was coming around the corner.  Basically, be careful going around corners at the gym.  Perhaps use a mirror to make sure no one is coming or bending over with their leg sticking out backwards. 

The weather today is GORGEOUS…I am inside on the computer, about to start practicing.  I’ve been trying to put in at least an hour a day.  That may not sound like much, but (as I tell my students) it’s the consistency that matters. Then I have teaching. 

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It’s strange because for my fall schedule (so far) I don’t start teaching any day until at least 4:30.  I could almost have a full time job and then teach violin.  Of course, I’d hate that.  When would I work out and plan my wedding?  And blog?

I updated the "life" page last night.  Let me know what you think!

I’ve been doing a bit of cruise research recently.  We’re looking at Celebrity.  Anybody cruised with them recently?  Pointers?  Advice?  Suggestions?


The regular mail carrier seems to be on vacation this week.  The substitute keeps getting our mail mixed up, plus it comes three hours later.  It’s really throwing me off!  Usually the mail comes around 11 am and now it’s coming between 2 and 4 pm. 

Chris is having a great time in Vegas.  I’ve barely heard from him at all, so I’m SURE he is!  He seems to be doing a lot of golfing…I’m sure that’s what they are doing…golfing…at least that is what he is telling me about.  (I’m kidding of course, I’m sure it’s true.  Chris loves golf.)

Tavern of Fine Arts

I had heard about the Tavern of Fine Arts for awhile now from my friends at Chamber Project St Louis, along with a few news articles.  (Sauce, RFT, and Feast).   My friends were excited because they knew the owners were great chefs and great musicians and music lovers.  If you read the articles you’ll know already, but they plan to have classical music concerts at the restaurant.  In fact, we may even be rehearsing there for some of our concerts, as weird as that might sound.  I think people may enjoy listening!  (I know my mother would, and I’m sure other mothers across the world would.)

(Note to readers, I have no financial stake in the place, but a free place to rehearse and perform is priceless!)

Last night Laura, Melissa, and I decided to check the Tavern out for dinner.


It’s a cute little place, and there are two big rooms.  The menu is limited but had both meat and vegetarian options.  The wine list had a nice variety of types of wine and price range, with a good variety by the glass.


All of the artwork on the walls is for sale.  I loved the colors of the artwork in the front room.

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We decided to split the hummus as an appetizer.  It was more lemony flavored than some, but very tasty. 


We also split a bottle of wine.

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I ordered the gazpacho and a roast beef sandwich.  Our friend Dana had told us the gazpacho was fantastic, so we all tried it.  It was really good!  I was surprised by its creaminess.


The roast beef had cole slaw on it.  It was also very tasty.  I forgot to ask them to hold the tomato though.


Melissa had the fig flatbread and Laura the vegetarian sandwich and they said those were good as well.  Finally, we decided to split the cheesecake.  As you know…I’ve been craving cheesecake for WEEKS and I still hadn’t had any.  FINALLY. 

Also, remember,we split.  So the calories don’t even count.  Plus…fruit.


We popped into the other room to check it out before we left. 

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By the time we left there were about 8 to 10 other people there, not too bad for a Monday night, though I am sure they hope to have more people.  The service was really nice if a bit slow, but we were in no hurry so we didn’t mind at all.  Overall it was a tasty dinner and a nice place to hang out. 

They said tonight was their first "concert" which was going to be a percussion duo.  I look forward to playing there myself and seeing other local people play.  I’d recommend you check it out if you want a light dinner/snack, some music and a bottle of wine. 

10 in 100 checkup

Happy Monday, dear readers.  I had a lot of fun over the weekend putting together my “7 links” post, and reading back through my blog entries over the past year and more.  I ran across some things I had completely forgotten about, and also enjoyed reading about past adventures and experiences.  I forgot how depressed I was in April as well, and how much fun our cruise last August was.

Another thing I realized was that I’d forgotten about my 10 in 100 list!  I thought I’d do a quick follow up to check my progress.  How am I doing so far?  (I have until October 4, just under two months)

1.  Go to Chicago and visit Karen.  So much fun!  Here, here, here,  and here.

2.  Have a 4th of July BBQ at my house.  Done!

3.  Go shopping with my sisters Leslie and Carrie.  Not yet…but we WILL.  Plans are in motion.

4.  Wedding cake tasting with Chris. We did this twice!  Here’s one.  We may still go to a few more bakeries…

5.  See the new Harry Potter movie. Yup!

6.  Visit the St Louis Zoo.  *crickets*

7.  Visit MOBOT, not while playing a wedding.  The extreme tree houses exhibit looks very interesting.  I wanted to go with my parents but we didn’t have enough time.

8.  Run a half-marathon, and PR.  Right now just running would be nice.  But I’ve got it.

9.  Attend another blogger meet up of sorts.  Did it!  Will Write for Wine.

10.  Go to another festival of sorts.  Lots of options, I’m sure.  My sisters are here during Festival of Nations at TG Park, which I’ve never been to but heard is great.  That’s on our itinerary.  (I have an actual itinerary I’m working.  Leslie and I are insane and actually do itineraries.)

Still got a few more left.  But I’m doing pretty good.  Is it better to set small, achievable goals or dream big and fail?  Obviously the big dreams won’t necessarily fail…but still.  They might.



Are you familiar with the Marshmallow Study?  I know as a child I would have NOT eaten that marshmallow and I would have held out for two.  Today I would stuff that marshmallow in my mouth because after all, who needs two marshmallows and besides, I can buy my own marshmallows at the store and quit wasting time sitting around waiting for free marshmallows.  What does that say about me?

What do you have planned for your week?  I’ve got teaching, some gigs, and some repertoire to learn for September.  My friend Laura is back in town so I’m doing some stuff with her, and Chris will be back soon.  Basically I’m back to “work” now even though I hope I will get some more students over the next month or I will certainly regret teaching five days a week!  I am excited about my teaching this year, and really feel like I’m doing what I want to be doing and what I am GOOD at.

I’m also hoping by the end of the week to feel injury free running again.  Fingers crossed!


Photo Shoot

Today we had a little photo shoot with the new "core members" of Chamber Project St Louis (that’s me and Melissa.)  We did photos of each of us, and then a bunch of group photos.

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Obviously these are not the good photos, but more "behind the scenes."  The "good photos" look pretty good.  Hopefully I’ll have some to share with you in the near future, but I was pretty pleased with how most of it turned out.  It was a fun afternoon, and I’m really excited to be part of the group.

Basically they have asked a few of us to join as "core members" as they transition into a non-profit group.  As core members, we will be first call for pieces that require our instruments as well as giving input into programming and whatever else we want to help with.  Money wise we are entering into a profit sharing type arrangement, which basically means this year I won’t make much (though I will encourage you all to come to the shows!) but perhaps in the future. 

Our first program is at 7:30 pm on September 8.  It’ll be GREAT.  I’ll be sitting up all straight and stuff, and honestly it should be a fabulous program.  Go ahead and mark your calendars!  Contact me with questions 🙂

You can follow me on twitter or follow Chamber Project St Louis to stay updated as well.  @hannahviolin or @cpstl.